We all face great difficulty in conveying our ideas. This difficulty is of critical behavior for an entrepreneur who is out to pitch it to a VC and sell it. “In the course of your VC pitch, you have a very few minutes, and most VC pitches — most angel pitches are about 15 minutes, most VC pitches should be less than half an hour. People’s attention span after 18 minutes begins to drop off, tests have shown. So in that 18 minutes, or 10 minutes, or five minutes, you have to convey a whole bunch of different characteristics.” Without the ability to sell the idea, you are most likely to end-up without getting any investment in your venture. So, what strategy to go after to persuade others of value of the idea? What are the characteristics your talk should possess? This video by David S. Rose, an American serial entrepreneur and angel investor, explains it all about “How to pitch to a VC”.