Tesla owners kept noticing that their Vehicle Identification Numbers (VINs) kept changing, pushing their delivery date to as far as September. While it usually happened when a vehicle is damaged. But more customers have reported a change in their VINs and it could be possible that Tesla is pushing its quarter-end deliveries.
It is already known that Tesla is the 16th best-selling car in the world. Finishing with their numbers is the highest priority. However, left some customers unsatisfied with their late deliveries. It isn’t pleasant to wake up and watch your Tesla car delivery date be postponed by more than a month.
@elonmusk So I wake up this morning to find that my VIN that was assigned to me and scheduled for delivery from the SC next Friday has been removed and given to someone else, all for Q2 delivery goals?! How on earth is this a business policy that you can allow to take place?!
— Digitalboi (@Digitalboi) June 24, 2021
@Digitalboi who order a Tesla observed that his exact VIN was given to another customer. He points out that the business model shouldn’t have been that way. Having numbers is important, but customer satisfaction is more crucial. Tesla already issues with setting the right time for delivering their products as planned.
Other Tesla motors club have expressed their incidents of changed VINs. However, one of the VIN changes in the past was due to the car being damaged. Which is most likely to not happen for multiple cars. Having those many damaged cars would be losing money.
Like most Tesla fans, most customers always seem to support the company despite late deliveries due to manufacturing difficulties. However, this time the reason is to meet their deadlines. Once in a while, there are subtle comments about how pushes for tougher targets on his team (both SpaceX and Tesla). Like, the Tesla Giga Berlin lost more than a couple of its top management employees. There is no information on whether it is true and is only speculated to be true.
Pushing deliveries
In the end numbers matter, Tesla has become a global top-selling company with its stats. Last year in Q3, Elon Musk pushed for some aggressive goals, if not for those targets, it might have been a difficult year for Tesla. Also, the efficiency is increased and production members lend a hand and make things work.
While some customers had postponed deliveries, the others nearby to California or in Calfornia received their car earlier. Furthermore, as Q4 starts the initial delivery is expected to take place as planned without any hassle.
Those who have a delivery date in the quarter-end need to look out for such changes. It is also possible that the wait would result in a more efficient Tesla vehicle.