The Department of Justice has backed the American Innovation and Choice Online Act, a US antitrust law. After a report claimed that a number of computer corporations, including Apple, were guilty of “very worrisome” anticompetitive activity, the measure was introduced.
In 2019, a year-long inquiry into whether internet behemoths engaged in anti-competitive activity began. Apple was one of the firms probed, with Tim Cook being forced to testify in front of Congress, and was found to be engaging in “very alarming” anticompetitive behavior.
Initially, Congress was supposed to enact a single antitrust law to address all of the issues outlined, but it instead passed various legislation. We now have six of these, one of which has been described as posing a threat to the entire Apple ecosystem.
If it becomes legislation, it will have an impact on Apple’s management of apps like Spotify, and some have speculated that it may even prevent the corporation from pre-installing its own apps on iPhones.
The most progress has been achieved with the American Innovation and Choice Online Act. Apple CEO Tim Cook personally opposed the law, but co-sponsor Senator Amy Klobuchar rejected his objections. The bill received bipartisan support in the Senate Judiciary Committee, but it is opposed by some members of both chambers of Congress.
According to the Wall Street Journal, the Department of Justice has now put its support behind the bill, claiming that it will improve its ability to combat anti-competitive behavior.
“Discriminatory conduct by dominant platforms can sap the rewards from other innovators and entrepreneurs, reducing the incentives for entrepreneurship and innovation,” according to the letter. “Even more importantly, the legislation may support the growth of new tech businesses adjacent to the platforms, which may ultimately pose a critically needed competitive check to the covered platforms themselves.”
The proposals “would increase the authority of the DOJ and [the Federal Trade Commission] to challenge that conduct,” according to the letter, by specifying what kinds of activity Congress considers as anticompetitive and criminal.
The Department of Justice’s support enhances the likelihood of the bill being passed, but it is far from definite.
The American Innovation and Choice Online Act bill prohibits certain large online platforms from doing certain things, such as giving priority to their own products on the platform, unfairly limiting the availability of competing products from another business on the platform, or discriminating in the application or enforcement of the platform’s terms of service among similarly situated users.