The former treasury secretary of the US, Lawrence Sumnerce, has expressed his concerns as the country faces serious threats and danger as other powerful nations like China, Russia, and Middle Eastern countries strengthen their international relations. This ally is destined to negatively impact the influence that the United States has globally and shift its course to make China-Russia the most influential ally globally.
Are these countries aligning themselves against the United States?
The former director of the National Economic Council, Lawrence Sumnerce, expressed his concern on a public platform that the US faces serious danger as several countries are aligning themselves against the United States of America. Not only China, Russia, and some Middle Eastern countries but also Brazil, as the Brazilian President insisted developing countries stop regarding the US dollar as their global reserve currency.
China has severed relations for the past few years with Iran and Saudi Arabia, but recently, they have restored their relations, and the oil giants have decided to reopen their embassies after seven long years. The whole world is aware of the hostilities between the United States and Iran, and thus, China restoring its bond with Iran poses a threat to the US.
The United States has had a huge influence on the global spectrum. But in the past few years, countries like China and Russia are trying to unite themselves to come off as stronger than the United States and, thus, are forming allies with countries that are rich in resources, like Saudi Arabia, and also with developing countries like Brazil. The Brazilian President, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, met with the Chinese President and said that their bonds with China are strengthening beyond just commodities.
What caused China and Russia to form an alliance in the first place?
Russia enforced war on Ukraine which was heavily criticized by the American Government, like most other nations. The United States provided backup for Ukraine instead and offered to help the Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy. China, on the other hand, blatantly refused to condemn the actions of the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, and the atrocities caused by the Russian Government and Military when they invaded Ukraine.
After Russia was brutally criticized by almost every nation, most organizations decided to cut their ties with Russia. FIFA banned Russia from being a part of the 2022 FIFA world cup. China was amongst the few nations that did not criticize the violence and destruction caused by Russia, and thus, the US faced serious danger as these two nations continued to form an alliance.
China provided economic support to Russia after the International sanctions during the Russo-Ukranian war were implemented. It is estimated that the total trade amount between China and Russia in the year 2022 will be about $190 billion, which is a record. China and Russia have also flown joint bomber patrols over the Pacific Ocean in 2019 and 2020.
Competitors or enemies?
While Russia, China, and the Middle East are forming an alliance and several American economists think that the US faces serious danger, some other citizens beg to differ and explain that China is a competitor and not an enemy.
60% of American citizens describe China as an enemy, while the rest 40% think of China as a competitor thriving to become the greatest global influence. About 19% of Americans also say that China is the world’s leading military power. About 58% of American adults also say that China’s influence on world power has grown significantly in the past few years. However, these statistical findings are argumentative.
The US and China have cooperated in the past for mutual benefit. While there might be no direct hostilities between these countries, The US considers the growing link between China, Russia, and the Middle East as a threat. The China-Russia alliance might soon replace the US and become a global influence.
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