Elon Musk has always been in the headlines and has always been making the rounds on various social media platforms for the work he does, his antics, political statements, and the stories he says on various podcasts and interviews. Recently, the world’s richest man came close to acquiring the social media giant, Twitter for a reported mouth watering $ 44 billion USD. The deal has since been put on hold after the parties in play hit a roadblock. In common internet fashion, the people of social media started making memes, jokes, and comments about the deal that was certainly set to go through very soon.
One of India’s most popular and successful comedians, Vir Das took this opportunity to make a joke about Elon Musk’s Twitter deal on hold on his Instagram account. He reminisced about the times he used to go shopping with his mother at the ever-busy Lajpat Nagar and spoke about his mother’s bargaining skills and tactics. He said that many Indians have seen their parents go to stores and play down the quality and their liking of a particular product so that the shop keeper or sales person would drive the price down to get a sale. Other shopkeepers nearby would then showcase their products at a competitive price to entice the customer to their store. Abd after all this, they wouldn’t even buy the product and would leave the store with no purchases. He compared this behaviour to the Elon Musk and Twitter debacle. He went to say that it is a very weird hassle of pride and ego between a bunch of people on the road who have no idea who each other are.
This post on Instagram has now gone viral like many of his other posts and YouTube videos. It has been just over a day since his post was put up and it has garnered well over 32,000 likes. Considering the fact that his posts barely go over the 10,000 like threshold, crossing 30,000 comfortably as it continues to rise is a big win for him. The post also has close 500 comments as many people were left laughing and many of his followers found it very relatable as well. The viral post shows the traction and engagement that he received and will be experiencing in the near future. We don’t know how Elon Musk will change Twitter if he acquires it, but it is safe to bet that jokes and memes will not be slowing down.