WhatsApp is rumored to working on many features that enhance the messaging platform for its users. This time they will be introducing a new feature called “Video Upload Quality”, which allows users to send high-definition videos and media. WhatsApp presently compresses video quality whenever a user shares high-quality videos. With the compression in effect, even if the sender has shared a very HD video, the recipient gets the video reduced in its quality. However, this new feature can allow users to select the video quality before sharing it with their contacts.
WABetainfo, a website that monitors all of the new updates in the beta version of the Instant Messaging application, discovered the new feature. This feature right now is available on WhatsApp Android Beta version only. According to WABetaInfo, users will choose the video upload quality in a future update by selecting one of three options: Auto (default), Best Quality, or Data Saver.
The recommended option “Auto” is supposed to choose the optimal video compression algorithm. The “Best quality” option, on the other hand, will send the video in the highest quality possible, whereas the “Data saver” option would compress the file to save users’ internet data.
It’s important to note that if users choose “Best quality” for their video uploads, the video may take longer to send because such files are often big in size. Furthermore, sending the video clip to the recipient will consume significantly more data. If you frequently run out of data, the “Data saver” option might be the best option for you.
The mentioned feature may be accessible under WhatsApp’s Storage & Data settings. Do keep in mind that the feature is still in development and will most likely be available in a future update.
Users currently have to switch to Rich Communication Services (RCS) Messaging Platforms to share high-quality videos with their contacts. However, the upcoming feature will not need users to switch to RSC-based messaging platforms.
WhatsApp also has introduced a new privacy feature on its Instant Messaging app, called “View Once”. This feature allows a user to share a video or picture and only allows the recipient to view the media once, after which the file gets deleted automatically. WhatsApp is also working to bring several other features aside from “Video Upload Quality”, including Voice Waveforms, Multi-Device Support, Status Updates Excluded From Backups, etc.