The India based IT giant, in its statement given on Wednesday said that it expects to get access of over one lakh vaccination doses for COVID-19 for its employees and their family members starting from early June.
Wipro, which is a Bangalore based company said that it has partnered with top tier hospitals and high tech enabled online to offline delivery services. These platforms specialize in door to door primary care and urgent response services which will provide COVID-19 vaccination and support to its employees based in India.
The company, while giving the statement said- “As part of this partnership, beginning early June, subject to availability, Wipro expects to have access to a total of 1,00,000 doses of three vaccines Covishield, Covaxin, and Sputnik V — as the first tranche for the exclusive use of our employees and their dependents (spouse and children).”
It also said that the main objective was to ensure vaccination for all its employees at the earliest of times.
“Given the severity of the second wave of the pandemic, the importance of vaccination cannot be emphasised enough…Vaccination services will be provided free of charge and will be administered both at our campuses and at partner hospitals around the country,” said the company.
Wipro however did not mention the names of these partner hospitals anywhere in their statement, they did say that the hospital organization together have their presence in over 140 cities across the country.
Currently the country has been reeling under the second wave of the Corona Virus with thousands of people getting infected daily and dealing with the shortage of medical supplies and equipment like shortage of beds, ventilators, oxygen cylinders, tanks and concentrators. To meet this shortage of medical equipment, organizations across the entire globe have come forward to support and provide relief.