Xiaomi is all set to launch its most affordable Redmi 10 series in India. According to a recent tweet from the Chinese smartphone manufacturer, the new lineup will be available very soon. Xiaomi’s Redmi and Poco sub-brands are famous for their budget-friendly smartphones. The company’s overall hardware sales are dominated by these phones; the Budget King consistently expands its lineup of smartphones.
The Redmi 10 will replace the Redmi 9 series, including Redmi 9, Redmi 9 Prime, Redmi 9 Power, Redmi 9 A, and Redmi 9i, as its name suggests. Although Xiaomi did not specifically announce that the Redmi 10 series would be released, the tweet indicates that the series might be unveiled as early as next month. There is no information on which phone will be released first, so your guess is as good as ours about whether it will be the Redmi 10 Power or the Redmi 10A.
The Redmi Revolution is addressed in a 12-second video posted by the company’s official India Twitter account. In addition to the video, Redmi encourages the tweet to keep an eye on its Twitter timeline for more #10on10 action. We may assume that Xiaomi will soon be launching the smartphone series Redmi 10 in India with this teaser. The launch date has yet to be officially announced by the company. But we can now expect the company to disclose the actual release date for Redmi 10 since we have begun to see teasers from Redmi across its social media handles.
Brace yourselves for the #RedmiRevolution! 💫
Hitting your screens soon! ☄️
Watch this space for more #10on10 action. 🎥 pic.twitter.com/uFY6ri5SU2
— Redmi India – #RedmiNote10 Series (@RedmiIndia) June 28, 2021
Rumors suggest that some Redmi 10-series smartphones are equipped with the EVOL design seen on Redmi Note 10 devices. Besides, the Redmi 10 series price in India is expected in between Rs 6,500 and Rs 10,000, as the Note series covers the Rs 10,000 to Rs 20,000 range.
Meanwhile, with Jio’s recent announcement of its JioPhone Next, which aims to upgrade feature phone owners to smartphones, this segment will likely experience increasing competition shortly. The JioPhone will be available for purchase later this year, but based on Reliance’s track record, it will be focused on providing a less affordable smartphone for budget-conscious people.