TOEFL is a standardized test for English Language Proficiency known as the Test of English as a Foreign Language. It is an exam taken by students from non-English speaking countries for getting admitted to the degree programs in USA and some other countries. A TOEFL score can be taken as an online-based test or as a written test. There are 4 sections in a TOEFL test: Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening. The TOEFL test score range varies from 0 to 120, and the validity of the score is 2 years. It is one of the most preferred English language proficiency tests by many universities. Although a good TOEFL score will help secure admission in top Universities, there are some US Universities without TOEFL score requirements. It is not very difficult to crack the TOEFL test. You can do it by proper planning and hard work. Here are some simple tips to ace your TOEFL exam.
- Write creatively and to the topic: Writing skills are very important for the TOEFL exam. The main challenge in the writing section is to write a particular number of maximum words within the stipulated time. The writing section in TOEFL consists of 2 tasks to be completed within 55 minutes. Avoid repetition of sentences in your essay. Write about the topic given. Don’t deviate from the topic and fill out space with just words. Make your words meaningful and creative. And also, work on your grammar. You will need it in the Speaking section also. If the essay is to write about a controversial topic, don’t give your personal opinion while writing such essays. If you do, try to add valid examples and points to support your view.
- Improve your reading skills: You need to improve your reading skills to crack the Reading section. In the reading section, there will be around 3 to 4 passages of 700-word length and 10 questions related to the passages. You need to read the passages and answer the questions. For this, you need to understand what is written in the passages. You need to read very precisely and understand every line so that you can answer those questions. Also, you shouldn’t take much time in reading the passages, because this can consume your time for finding answers. So what you need to practice is reading books. Have the habit of reading books. This can earn you the knowledge and can upgrade your verbal and thinking skills. Read and understand what each sentence and words mean. So that it will be helpful for you during the exam.
Practice speaking skills with some friend of yours: The best way to crack anything is by practicing it. The speaking section in TOEFL consists of 4 tasks to be completed within 17 minutes. You need to take care of your vocabulary and grammar while speaking. For that, you need to practice speaking in English with some friend or you can even practice it in front of the mirror. So that you will not have any stumbling while talking.
Time Management: Time is a crucial factor you need to take into consideration while preparing for TOEFL. Time management should be practiced before you go for the main examination. There will be a section-wise time limit for the TOEFL examination and you need to complete it within the time allotted. For that, you need to practice dividing time effectively and efficiently to answer each question in a section. So that you will have time to read, understand and answer each question confidently. During the TOEFL examination, you will get 10 minutes break for relaxing. Don’t worry about the next step. Be calm and concentrate on yourself. Take a deep breath and relax during the break time.
Attend mock tests: Before going for the TOEFL examination, attend as many mock exams as you can. You can practice each section yourself and evaluate your performance. This helps you to analyze your marks with your goals. The TOEFL cutoff varies for each university. So you need to have an idea about the minimum TOEFL score that you should score to secure your admission to a good university. While attending mock tests, try to manage the time taken by you to answer each section.