A Survey Revealed That 59% Of Women Hide Their Identity In Games
In a survey on the habits of female players, 59 percent said they use a non-gender or male or gender identity when playing games to avoid conflict and harassment. The survey was done by the Lenovo group and Reach3 Insights. The survey was done on a total of 900 women gamers.
In addition, 44 percent of women said they would receive unwanted questions about their relationship status while playing online. In a survey on the habits of game-loving women, 55 percent said they had not used gender or male gender identities to protect themselves from harassment when playing online games.
77% of women surveyed said they had experienced gender-specific discrimination while gaming, most commonly with comments about their skills (70%), gatekeeping (65%), or patronizing comments (50%). 44% said they had “received unsolicited relationship asks.”
80% of women gamers were happy with the representation of women characters in AAA titles, with 91% happy with depictions of women in indie games.
when asked about what advice they would give to improve new-gen video games 71% of them gave their personal ideas oh how to improve the ads in games and showing more women voiceover or videos of women playing new AAA titles as promotional material.
One more thing becomes absolutely clear women like men love playing co-op and competitive type of game (88% in the survey does and 66% love playing shooter style).
Aoryx, a 28-year-old player who is speaking out on the Twitch platform, said this behavior is a common attitude among men playing games. A study of the Anti-Defamation League for 2019 found that 65 percent of US online players were harassed online, including physical threats, stalking, and persistent harassment, with 74 percent reporting some form of harassment while playing. This happens when male players believe women are invading a room that belongs to them.
Shesnaps, a streamer with 66,000 followers on Twitch, said she experienced online harassment in 2008 when she played live multiplayer video games. She began her streaming career with the aim of creating a personal brand that reflects her identity and decided to name her gender after the title with a professional background in branding. 91 percent of those surveyed said they were happy to be featured in games.
The survey also points out one thing that female streamers have to deal with harassment comments always just as a byproduct of being visible on the platform.
The results of this survey may be just news to some people but it can lead to greater cause where in the future women gamers may not have to deal with harassment just because they playing a video game online.