In the intricate world of education technology, where strategic moves and financial dynamics steer the narrative, the acquisition of Aakash Education by BYJU’S takes center stage. Let’s embark on a journey into the financial realms and strategic decisions that unfold a fascinating tale of growth and challenges.
Credits: The New Indian Express
Aakash Education’s Financial Symphony:
Aakash Education, which is part of BYJU’S, had a fantastic financial performance in the fiscal year that ended on March 31, 2023. Operating revenue is expected to exceed INR 2,000 crore, reaching an estimated INR 2,325.1 crore in FY23—a remarkable 63% increase from the previous fiscal year’s data of INR 1,421.2 cr.
However, the script takes an interesting turn as these figures are unaudited, injecting an element of uncertainty into the narrative.
Revenue Estimates Tango:
The reported operating revenue for FY23, while impressive, falls shy of BYJU’S initial estimations. In April 2023, BYJU’S confidently projected Aakash to cap off FY23 with a revenue of INR 3,000 Cr. The dissonance between these estimates and the actual, yet unaudited, figures raises intriguing questions about the precision of financial foresight in the dynamic edtech sphere.
Profits and Operational Mastery:
Beneath the financial surface, Aakash Education has not just grown; it has thrived. The unaudited net profit for FY23 stands tall at INR 330 Cr, a staggering 300% leap from the audited net profit of INR 79.5 Cr in FY22. Further complementing this financial virtuosity is the reported EBITDA of INR 347.5 Cr in FY23 and INR 122.4 Cr in the initial eight months of FY24.
These financial acrobatics underscore Aakash’s adeptness in managing operations and maintaining a robust financial stance.
The Ledger of Expenses and Key Investments:
Analyzing the ledger reveals that employee benefit expenditure took the center stage in Aakash’s financial play. In FY23, it amounted to a considerable INR 1,204.5 Cr, compared to the preceding year’s INR 722.8 Cr. Infrastructure costs, including coaching center rents, weighed in at INR 296.9 Cr in FY23. The grand total of operational expenses for FY23 was INR 1,977.6 Cr.
The rise in employee benefit expenses suggests a potential narrative of expansion or a strategic investment in human capital, playing a pivotal role in the company’s growth strategy.
Aakash’s Melody in BYJU’S Symphony:
Aakash’s financial performance isn’t merely a standalone act; it’s integral to the grand symphony of BYJU’S overall revenue. Aakash is projected to contribute nearly 36% to BYJU’S total revenue for FY23, as BYJU’S sets the stage for a total revenue performance of around INR 6,500 Cr.
Yet, the spotlight reveals a twist—BYJU’S is no longer the primary maestro in Aakash. Ranjan Pai, chairman of the Manipal Education and Medical Group (MEMG), is poised to emerge as the lead with a 40% stake, marking a change in the composition of the orchestral arrangement.
BYJU’S Jigsaw and Strategic Moves:
Behind the financial curtain, BYJU’S grapples with its own set of challenges. Reports hinted at talks of selling Aakash in late 2023, engaging with private equity firms like Bain Capital and KKR. Despite refuting these claims, it sheds light on BYJU’S need for financial sustenance in a sector marked by rapid evolution.
The decision to sell Aakash, Great Learning, and Epic was a strategic crescendo, an attempt to repay a substantial Term Loan B of $1.2 Bn, taken in November 2021. It was a calculated move to fine-tune the financial melody and refocus on core operations.
Shareholder Drama and the Call for Change:
Amidst the financial crescendos, BYJU’S is entangled in a subplot. Half of its board members have exited stage left, and legal woes add layers to the unfolding drama. Shareholders, dissatisfied with the narrative, have called for an extraordinary general meeting (EGM) to reconstitute the board and bring about a change in leadership.
As the financial saga of BYJU’S and Aakash Education continues, the pages of this narrative turn with anticipation. The edtech landscape is evolving, and these players navigate uncharted waters, leaving us on the edge of our seats, awaiting the next chapter in this enthralling story of growth, challenges, and strategic decisions.