If you play Fortnite and are worried you won’t get to enjoy the newest season, let this ease you of that assumption. The game was taken out of iOS App stores depraving millions of users of their favorite game. The newest season 4 however, will not be available in App stores in the near future as both the companies are now amid a years-long antitrust battle in court. Epic games is suing Apple for violating the Sherman Act in mid-August of 2020. Epic games alleged that they as well as other game developer needed alternatives to selling mobile games. Apple’s requirement of 30 percent commission on games purchased through the App store is seen as unfair by many game developers.
“What’s most disturbing about Apple’s position is that they seem to truly believe they ‘own’ all commerce involving phones they make, characterizing direct payment as theft, smuggling, and even shoplifting. It’s a crazy, misguided view,” wrote CEO Tim Sweeney on Twitter yesterday.
Epic Games has defied the App Store Monopoly. In retaliation, Apple is blocking Fortnite from a billion devices.
Visit https://t.co/K3S07w5uEk and join the fight to stop 2020 from becoming “1984” https://t.co/tpsiCW4gqK
— Fortnite (@FortniteGame) August 13, 2020
The verdict to this court case may be long drawn so instead of waiting it out there are other ways for you to download Fortnite on iOS devices.
How to Download Fortnite across all iOS devices
- Go to Settings, then move to ‘Battery’ and make sure ‘Low Power Mode’ is off
- Then move to ‘General’ and make sure your phone’s ‘Background App Refresh’ is on, either on WiFi or Cellular data or both.
- Go to the ‘App Store’ to make sure ‘Automatic Download’ is on.
- You can download the game on the site appsinject.net.
if you have already downloaded the app once and can’t seem to download from the App store again, here is a simple fix.
- Open App store
- Tap the ‘Account’ icon which displays your Apple ID
- Click ‘All Purchases’ then go to ‘My purchases’ to have access to all the games you ever downloaded.
- Find Fortnite and tap on the icon to download.
Many tech companies are now going to court on the charges of anti-competitive practices. Facebook has been alleged in 46 states in the US and the EU commission late last year. As the company faces a lot of heat how will the court battles carry out. Read more about Apple’s court battle with Epic Games here.