IGN notes that the Dying Light 2 Day 1 patch will contain over 1,000 fixes, so it might not be a monumental glitch celebration for gamers like Cyberpunk 2077 as it launches, but it might be worth checking out Whether 1 day is over. The Dying Light 2 Day 1 patch will include over 1,000 bug fixes, plus thousands more that have been fixed since the game went gold. The update itself includes over a thousand minor bug fixes and minor quality-of-life improvements to make life easier for players while playing Dying Light 2. Check out the Dying Light 2 Day 1 update patch notes below. The next episode of Dying 2 Know was released later this week and should detail the game’s combat styles, weapon crafting, and parkour.

But the patch may offer little comfort to critics who have already reviewed the game and fans who will find it hard to download, let alone hold out until Techland gets it back in shape. The devs have stated “We will be supporting Dying Light 2 with new content for at least five years, and at every stage, we will actively listen to the community and work hard to fix any bugs discovered as players try out our most ambitious game to date”. “Like almost all modern games, our journey as a developer doesn’t end when we share text with reviewers or on launch day. We will be helping Dying Light 2 with new content for at least five years, and with every step we take, we will listen carefully to the community and work to solve the biggest problems, including unlocking our game’s biggest ambitions”.

Early reviews of Dying Light 2, like the one IGN, did even come with a bug warning. This was done to warn players that the game is not recommended for those who are not particularly sure about crashes in their initial state. Techland was the first to mention that they are preparing “over a thousand fixes” and improvements for all the platforms the game runs on. Techland has made it clear to PC Gamer that most of this day has already been distributed to such gamers, and the disc version of the game is weeks older. This is because a lot of bugs and crashes have been fixed as Techland continues to improve the game. Some have complained about the high number of bugs and crashes, but Techland is releasing a heavy Day 1 patch that will fix over 1000 issues.
Reviewers do not always have access to the Day 1 Patch build of the game, which can detract from their opinion and potentially result in the developers not receiving their bonuses. In an age where studios often release major fixes after release day, that doesn’t mean the game is finished. In a game filled with so much content (and one that Techland claims had about 1,500 people working on it), bugs on release day are almost inevitable.
Giving developers more time to fix bugs before physical copies of games are printed and review code sent to critics will improve the experience for everyone. Also, delays are common these days, and many players will forgive studios and publishers for giving development teams time to create the perfect game by launch day, ideally avoiding a crisis.