ERP software are beautifully designed tools benefiting businesses of all domains and verticals. Though often surrounded by myths, these software have been praised and decorated by everyone who have adopted this automation wonder of technology as a catalyst for their business’ growth story.
The core activities of ERP software involves efficient management of your business, tracking performance, managing SCM, DRP, HCM, etc. that can be adapted right from the startup of your venture and can be continued till the world’s end, adding proficiency to your methods. However, the hesitation of the startup leaders, due to the tell-tale myths developed around ERP Software, binds them from taking the big step and refraining them from unleashing the true potential of their startup wonder.
Hence, before we dig deeper in it, it is essential that we bust some major myths on ERP for startup.
Firstly, It is only useful for top-notch companies:
Busted: It is not true, though majorly medium to large businesses use ERP software, conversely, they are the ones who can also afford well-experienced and pocket digger business-management personnel. It is the SMEs and the startups, who are in more dire need of an ERP software to operate their business better in a cost effective manner. There are many small ERP software on Cloud also available with pricing for per user basis, not creating the need for additional infrastructure or man power to maintain the software on premise. Such software have a lot of tracking mechanism for sales as well as major modules like marketing, sales and customer service which is helpful for the Startups to evaluate their performance and manage their business.
Secondly, ERP tools are expensive:
Busted: ERP software providers offer packages at different price range, which varies as you add features to it. Moreover, heavy customisation and unnecessary upgrades (which are not even needed for your startup) are responsible for the increase in cost for the software, making it expensive and prone to error. Hence, choosing the right software befitting your necessities can not only fit into your budget but also assist you better.
Having busting the myths, let us see, how they can help your startup
An ERP software can be:
The ultimate Safe house: As a startup, there are lots of important documents, finance reports, invoice, etc. to be handled with care, and loss of these documents in case of any mishap occurring can be a matter of failure for your venture. However, a cloud based ERP software can keep all your documents safely on its cloud server (Encrypted to secure it from cyber theft as well), and provide access to you, anytime and anywhere with ease.
Burgeoning to heights: Admirably, the most amazing feature of the ERP software for startups is its scalability. A Startup can grow in a jiff and the same goes for their needs. Thus, ERP software companies like Sage Software, an ERP Software provider in India not only paves a way for you to bloom swiftly, but also grows with you at the same time, fulfilling all your needs as and on demand.
No pain, still gain: Startups are said to be a risk-takers business, either you succeed, or fail miserably, but when you have an ERP software backing you up, fool proof tactics and process planning can be designed that can aid you succeed, kicking out the risk from your business. Since ERP software have the ability to manage all your processes from a single platform, it can help the management to get a single view of their operations and avoid data duplicity if any.
Just lose it: Unhealthy business factors such as out-of-budget expenditures, excessive production time and cost, ill-managed supply chain, faulty or delayed payrolls, etc. are better if kept at bay as they can affect your reputation as well as hamper growth. However, implementing ERP software can help you lose these factors forever, with its timely and automated process plannings.
See it all: Most often, a startup is dependent upon the finance it receives from the venture capitalists, who seek better sales and ROI for their investments. ERP software can help you maintain a transparency in all your dealings. Your stakeholders can themselves have a knowledge off all your processes, sales, and expenditure and manage their share/dividend through it.
As of 2016, startup is on a boom, with a rapid surge of new ventures starting every day, crediting to the efforts of our Hon’ble prime minister, with “Startup India”, “Digital India” and “Make in India”. Startups add up to a better developed nation, and thus to organise the start up with efficacy, ERP software in India are needed.
This article is contributed on Techstory by Sage Software Solutions Pvt Ltd.
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