FAU-G, the Indian shooting game from Ncore Games, tested its upcoming TDM mode Team Deathmatch Today earlier this month. The multiplayer TDM mode of FAUG: Fearless United Guards was supposed to be dropped on June 21 in a fiery beta release. The game gets stuck in the first chapter, which is set against the backdrop of the Galwan Valley and collides with the player to help save his fellow Javans.
Ncore Games has published a new tweet today announcing the beta version of the game in TDM mode. Ncore Games has Multiplayer Early Access in the Google Play Store as a separate application and the link to it can be found in their official tweet.
Nearly six months after FAUG, the mobile game made in India developed by Ncore Games, was released, it has finally introduced a multiplayer mode that will make the game more interesting for many regular players. The Indian-made action game Fau G gets its first multiplayer mode in the form of Team Deathmatch, or TDM as the gaming community calls it. In its official tweet, Ncore did say that limited slots for the games TDM Beta will be available.
Mobile players can only hope that this scenario will be different in the multiplayer version of FAU-G by clicking the green installation button.
The game TDM mode brings new weapons, new maps, and a different icy mountain than the first FAU-G game. Mobile gamers will have the freedom to become soldiers and fight the enemy in campaign mode. Whether or not you will see the Battle Royal mode in the game in the coming weeks.
While the earlier campaign mode included linear gameplay and the only handheld weapons in the game, the TDM mode introduces weapons, bombs, and other weapons from the franchise. We don’t know how shooting exchanges will work in the new TDM mode, the current version of the game supports melee.
When you start the game, you will be greeted with the first glance at one of the cards that will be available in the FAUG TDM beta test. The new TDM card, called Bazaar, is a suburban environment. The map is called “Bazaar” and the developers told IGN India that it reminds them of the markets of Jaipur and Udaipur.
FAUG and Ncore Games launched the Deathmatch mode four months ago and announced that it was in development. It is now in beta form, and developers say they are looking for feedback from players for improvements. According to Ncore posters, FAUG’s Team Deathmatch mode will not only happen on the Galwan Valley map, but also on a brand new map called Bazar.
The map has ample coverage and vantage points from which you can take well-defined shots to cement your victory. The only card that was available in the beta test of the FAUG TDM mode is a large card with multiple entries and exit points on both sides. It is not known whether the only card will be made available to the players or whether there will be different cards at the start.
The company was supposed to introduce the FAUG TDM mode on 21 June but it finally comes after a short delay. You can download the FAUG TDM Early Release from the Google Play Store. During the months since the publication of the game in January of this year, there has not been much activity from FAUG developers.