Its almost 2021 and we thought we should look back at 2020 with a smile even thought it has been the toughest years of all. What better way to look back at it than to look what it gave us from future right? So here we are to discuss the Futuristic tech gadgets which released in the year 2020.
Tech gadgets have always had a way to astonish us to our surprises. Technology is almost every where you are and will be. From waking up and switching on TV for your daily news report to brushing your teeth just before sleep, technology is what we live. Everything One thing that never gets old is how all these futuristic gadgets tend to push every limit they can. It is technology that has changed the face of world today and gadgets that shape the lives we live today. Years back the device you’re reading this article on might have been released and look how far it gets all of us. Here, let us take a moment to acknowledge what wonders 2020 gave us when technology blended with artificial intelligence. Whether you want to just brush up your facts about the good things in 2020 or you’re for cool gadgets to own, this blog you will guide you all through the way.Â
Here are the Futuristic tech gadgets released in the year 2020
Snapchat Spectacles
Don’t go by the name, now spectacles might be something which your Granda carriers her around her neck but the prefix Snapchat added to Spectacles makes it the hottest gadget of the year. Did you ever wish if you could capture exactly what you see? Well, guess what? Prayers answered! Snapchat Spectacles or as you’d like to call to call them ‘Specs’ can capture short 10 – 30 second films from the point of view of the person who is wearing it! In simpler world, Specs are the coolest sunglasses in existence for they come with a camera which records what your eyes see. The Snapchat Spectacles were launched aiming their marketing for teenagers which very well explains their quick and pop colors black, coral and teal. One can connect their ‘Specs’ with the bluetooth and bam! Just like that you cover the bridge between you and your memories.
Samsung Sero
The concept of Smart TV changed when Samsung Sero made its way in the market. Samsung Sero’s selling point is its highlight of screen rotation which facilitates social media consumption to an unbelievable level. The smart TV hero, Sero, is built on a QLED display technology and extends to 43-inch screen. The screen rotate feature is not all about Samsung Sero, it also has the unbeatable Adaptive Picture+ feature which controls the light and analyses the video and surroundings give you an unbeatble user experience. So much for Futuristic tech gadgets released in the year 2020, right? Wait, this was just the start.
Lexon Oblio Sanitizing Wireless Charger
In the world of Covid-19 pandemic times, sanitization has been the prime concern of all. With the little devil virus spreading like a fire in the forest, there’s only so much which you can sanitize. One thing which has been even proven to spread the virus even after taking all the precautions is smartphones. And talking straight your regular hand sanitizer can not sanitize everything. Taking care of this problem Lexon came up with the best solution also adding itself to the list of Futuristic tech gadgets released in the year 2020. When you put your phone in the first slot of the sanitizing wireless charger, you beat all the germs and virus of it. Thankfully, it also goes in the home decor matching items since it comes designed in sophisticated golden, white colors.
SNOO Smart Sleeper
No one knows the struggle of putting a baby to sleep better than the one who looks after it. And trust us when we say this, this product changed lives of babies as well as of their mommies and daddies. Babies, well they do not fall asleep soon but do wake up very quickly. In the busy world as that of today’s is hard to keep a regular check on babies moreover pat their heads until they fall back asleep. To take care of the same problem, Snoo Smart Sleeper is proven to be quite effective. The Snoo Smart Sleeper gently makes a baby snooze again by playing a soft music while rocking them to sleep. The device is known to put babies back to sleep by soothing them that to within a span of one minute. The Snoo Smart Sleeper success testimonials come from famous celebrities like  Natalie Portman, Mila Kunis and many others.
Segway’s S-Pod
This all new and super cool two-wheeler from Segwa which will let your cruise around like a boss without you even having to stand up! Segway’s newest self-balancing vehicle will allow to you wander around campuses, theme parks, airports, and maybe even cities without having to even move a step. We’re pretty sure that you have had unlimited fun while enjoying rides in an amusement park. How about we tell you that such rides can be your very own vehicle? Segway’s S-Pod which is built on gyroscopic self-balancing technology comes with a joystick with which you can control its movement! Its time that science fiction came to real life. As a matter of fact, Segway’s S-Pod is inspired by Jurrasic World. No wonder why it made to the list of Futuristic tech gadgets released in the year 2020.
Oh you might be connecting it just right. KFConsoles are by the all time favorite chicken food chain KFC. Yes you’ve read it just right. The king of food chains surprised everyone with the gadget. This console is forged with the temperature to keep your chicken wings hot just as the experience in your game. There is a cool chamber in the console which lets you feast on fresh hot chicken wings while you can do other important tasks. Like playing a super smooth game with the console.