Originally manufactured by GE with 133 turbines, Power Creek is now set for a replacement of turbines. It includes replacing components, adding longer blades, and also upgrading the gearbox.

This upgrade is expected to increase the current annual production from the Windfarm. If the plans go accordingly, by quarter 3 this year, the erection and commission of the project will be done.
Recycling process
The older baldes will be removed and recycled. There is a renewable energy plant which is specifically designed to recycle wind turbine blades. These blades from Texas will be sent to Veolia North America. WHich further turn into cement as the systems designed.
As specified, 90% of the blade is being recycled into cement. GE’s leader of renewable energy’s services sales and operation says,
“GE Renewable Energy is proud to work with RWE on the Panther Creek III repower project. Through repowering, we have the opportunity to extend the life of these turbines, while also improving the performance and reliability of the wind farm—and by sustainably recycling wind turbine blades, we are working to create a circular economy for composite materials.”
The power creek project
The Pnather creek 3 is located in west Texas with 133 turbines. It’s capacity is 199.5 MW with energy to supply 135,000 homes. This wind farm has proved to be useful since installation. As the nearby local high school operated on the electiricty provided by the creek wind farm.
All the three projects, Panther creek 1, 2 and 3 have generating capacity of 457.5 MW. Furthermore, this is the ten largest wind farm in the country.
Besides, reppowering the creek 3, GE depowered both Panther creek 1 and 2.
Wind farms in the US
Texas also has the largest wind farm in the country. It is Roscoe Wind Farm located in central Texas has a capacity to power 6 million homes. Followed by wind farms in Iowa with 4,637 turbines. Next are the wind farms located in Olkahama and California.
As of Januray, America had 122,478 megawatts electricity generation capacity. In which, Texas alone has around 28,000 MW capacity. Also, wind turbines in the US are becoming a common sight in coming years. With their technology involved in repair work, and replacement, all the existing turbines can run for years to come.
Additionally, these wind farms more or less support the farmers who install them in their farm. With a typical payment of $3,000- $5,000 per year. Moreover, the energy produced from these turbines vary from reason to season. Also, the country has enough experience in the industry, to identify the mistakes and make progress towards wind turbine technology. Let it be onshore or off shore.