Source: National Cyber Security News Today
Reports suggest how a hacker apparently went on to post a cache of internal paperwork of gaming company Roblox. Turns out, they had stolen the documents from an employee working for the enormously the popular gaming outlet. As specified by a statement on the platform, and the forum post, the publication of these is an extension of extortion attempt against the company.
Particularly, the documents look like they are connected to some of the platform’s most popular games, as well as creators. Additionally, they look like they comprise personal data of several number of people. Roblox provided a statement regarding the latest developments to concerned news outlets.
They stated how this stolen material was taken hold of by illegal means as part of a plan involving extortion, which Roblox would not cooperate with. Further, they stated how they acted rather fast as they got to know of the occurrence, involving ‘independent experts’ to work with their information security team.’ They had further set their systems in a way set for the detection and prevention of such attempts.
“These stolen documents were illegally obtained as part of an extortion scheme that we refused to cooperate with. “
Currently valued at about $68 billion, Roblox is a gaming giant which almost 50% of the American kids engage in various forms. It enables creators to come up with games, along with virtual world on Roblox, followed by the implementation of microtransactions to generate income.
In just the forum post, the hacker released a document archive of size 4GB, a post a range of photographs with it. Mainly, these include email IDs, identification documents, along with spreadsheets that look like they are connected to creators who are focused on Roblox.
Previously, certain reports on the hackers that had targeted the Roblox company, along with its staff, which comprised of one who bribed a company insider for accessing user information. Additionally, more reports emphasised on extensiveness of the networks hackers and traders around the company. These are essentially the ones that steal in-game material, pedalling them for a profit.
Clearly, the most recent breaches falls more squarely into the first camp. The statement from them further added how the company had been conducting an active investigation on a ‘phishing incident.’ Roblox noted how this included the targeting of an employee by cyber criminals, mainly by social engineering or intensely ‘personalised scare’ tactics.