Pokemon GO continues to captivate players with its constant stream of events and new Pokemon debuts. However, amidst the excitement, players must also face off against Team GO Rocket, the notorious antagonists of the game. Arlo, one of the Team GO Rocket leaders, presents a formidable challenge. This guide will provide you with the information you need to defeat Arlo and his powerful Shadow Pokemon.
To engage in battles against Arlo and other Team GO Rocket leaders, players must first gather Mysterious Components by defeating Team GO Rocket Grunts. These components can be used to create a Rocket Radar, which will help locate the leaders. Arlo’s lineup of Shadow Pokemon is unpredictable, so it’s crucial to have proper counters and knowledge of the metagame to emerge victorious.
Arlo’s Team Lineup
Arlo’s team consists of various Shadow Monsters, and he has three potential picks for each round in the second and third phases of the battle. While Arlo always starts with Shadow Teddiursa, winning all three phases requires a well-prepared team with powerful counters.
Phase 1: Shadow Teddiursa
Shadow Teddiursa is a Normal-type Pokemon that is weak to Fighting-type moves and resistant to Ghost-type attacks in Pokemon GO. To counter Shadow Teddiursa effectively, consider the following Pokemon and their moves:
- Machamp (Fast Attack: Counter, Charge Attack: Close Combat)
- Terrakion (Fast Attack: Double Kick, Charge Attack: Sacred Sword)
- Breloom (Fast Attack: Counter, Charge Attack: Dynamic Punch)
- Lucario (Fast Attack: Counter, Charge Attack: Power Up Punch)
- Conkeldurr (Fast Attack: Counter, Charge Attack: Dynamic Punch)
Phase 2: Shadow Blaziken, Shadow Hypno, Shadow Golurk
Arlo’s second phase includes Shadow Blaziken, Shadow Hypno, and Shadow Golurk. Here are the best counters for each of these Shadow Pokemon:
Shadow Blaziken: This dual Fire and Fighting-type Pokemon is resistant to Bug, Dark, Fire, Grass, Ice, and Steel-type moves. However, it is weak to Flying, Ground, Psychic, and Water-type attacks. Consider using the following Pokemon:
- Lugia (Fast Attack: Dragon Tail, Charge Attack: Sky Attack)
- Groudon (Fast Attack: Mud Shot, Charge Attack: Precipice Blades)
- Mewtwo (Fast Attack: Confusion, Charge Attack: Psystrike)
- Hoopa (Fast Attack: Confusion, Charge Attack: Shadow Ball)
- Kyogre (Fast Attack: Waterfall, Charge Attack: Hydro Pump)
Shadow Hypno: This Psychic-type Pokemon is weak to Bug, Dark, and Ghost-type attacks, but it resists Fighting and Psychic-type moves. Consider these Pokemon for countering Shadow Hypno:
- Pheromosa (Fast Attack: Bug Bite, Charge Attack: Bug Buzz)
- Hydreigon (Fast Attack: Bite, Charge Attack: Brutal Swing)
- Darkrai (Fast Attack: Snarl, Charge Attack: Dark Pulse)
- Chandelure (Fast Attack: Hex, Charge Attack: Shadow Ball)
- Gengar (Fast Attack: Hex, Charge Attack: Shadow Ball)
Shadow Golurk: This dual Ground and Ghost-type Pokemon is weak to Dark, Ghost, Grass, Ice, and Water-type attacks. It shows resistance against Electric, Fighting, Normal, Poison, Bug, and Rock-type moves. Consider using the following counters:
- Gengar (Fast Attack: Hex, Charge Attack: Shadow Ball)
- Kartana (Fast Attack: Razor Leaf, Charge Attack: Leaf Blade)
- Darkrai (Fast Attack: Feint Attack, Charge Attack: Shadow Ball)
- Attack Deoxys (Fast Attack: Zen Headbutt, Charge Attack: Dark Pulse)
- Primal Kyogre (Fast Attack: Waterfall, Charge Attack: Surf)
Phase 3: Shadow Luxray, Shadow Banette, Shadow Scizor
Arlo’s third phase features Shadow Luxray, Shadow Banette, and Shadow Scizor. Here are the best counters for each of these Shadow Pokemon:
Shadow Luxray: This Electric-type Pokemon is weak only to Ground-type attacks but resistant to Electric, Flying, and Steel-type moves. Consider these counters:
- Garchomp (Fast Attack: Mud Shot, Charge Attack: Earth Power)
- Groudon (Fast Attack: Mud Shot, Charge Attack: Precipice Blades)
- Torterra (Fast Attack: Razor Leaf, Charge Attack: Frenzy Plant)
- Landorus (Fast Attack: Mud Shot, Charge Attack: Earthquake)
- Excadrill (Fast Attack: Mud-Slap, Charge Attack: Earthquake)
Shadow Banette: This Ghost-type Pokemon is weak to Dark and Ghost-type attacks. It can resist Fighting, Normal, Bug, and Poison-type moves. Consider these counters:
- Gengar (Fast Attack: Hex, Charge Attack: Shadow Ball)
- Hydreigon (Fast Attack: Dragon Breath, Charge Attack: Brutal Swing)
- Darkrai (Fast Attack: Snarl, Charge Attack: Dark Pulse)
- Attack Deoxys (Fast Attack: Zen Headbutt, Charge Attack: Dark Pulse)
- Tyranitar (Fast Attack: Smack Down, Charge Attack: Crunch)
Shadow Scizor: This Bug and Steel-type Pokemon has excellent offensive capabilities. It is vulnerable to Fire-type attacks but resistant to Grass, Poison, Bug, Dragon, Fairy, Ice, Normal, Psychic, and Steel-type moves. Consider these counters:
- Blaziken (Fast Attack: Fire Spin, Charge Attack: Blast Burn)
- Charizard (Fast Attack: Fire Spin, Charge Attack: Blast Burn)
- Entei (Fast Attack: Fire Spin, Charge Attack: Overheat)
- Infernape (Fast Attack: Fire Spin, Charge Attack: Blast Burn)
- Flareon (Fast Attack: Fire Spin, Charge Attack: Flamethrower)
By employing these counters and strategies, you’ll increase your chances of defeating Arlo and his powerful Shadow Pokemon. Remember to choose Pokemon with moves that exploit their weaknesses and to keep an eye on type advantages and resistances.
Facing off against Arlo, one of Team GO Rocket’s leaders in Pokemon GO, can be a challenging endeavor. However, with the right knowledge and effective counters, you can emerge victorious. Prepare your team with powerful Pokemon and strategic moves to counter Arlo’s Shadow Pokemon in each phase of the battle. Good luck, and may you defeat Team GO Rocket!