In the intricate realm of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth lies a formidable challenge: the Moore Twins, renowned Queen’s Blood players lurking within Under Junon. Those who manage to vanquish them shall be rewarded with the coveted Ogre card. But tread carefully, for the path to victory is fraught with strategic obstacles. Fear not, however, as this comprehensive guide is your key to triumph over these cunning adversaries.
Locating the Moore Twins
Before the battle, one must first locate the enigmatic Moore Twins. Nestled within a house atop a daunting flight of stairs in Under Junon, their whereabouts remain concealed. These stairs lie betwixt the Maghnata Books and the Weapons Vendor on the settlement level. Utilize the provided map and image to pinpoint their precise abode.
Strategies for the Battle
Twin #1: The Gateway to Victory The initial encounter with the first Moore Twin appears deceptively simple. Armed with the Standard Deck and a rudimentary grasp of Queen’s Blood strategy, victory seems within reach. The key lies in dominating the board, seizing control of tiles while avoiding the creation of green pawns adjacent to the opponent’s red pawns. By compelling the twin to fortify tiles adjacent to your green pawns, you can assert dominance and flood the board with your cards.
Twin #2: The Ultimate Test Yet, it is the second twin who poses the ultimate challenge. Success against this formidable foe hinges upon a carefully orchestrated sequence of plays. Begin with a strategic mulligan, prioritizing the deployment of a Security Officer on Turn 1, followed by a J-Unit Sweeper or Mu on Turn 2, and finally, a Mu on Turn 3. Any cards beyond these three should be discarded without hesitation.
With a favorable opening hand secured, execute a precise sequence of moves. Place a Security Officer on the second row on your first turn, followed by a J-Unit Sweeper or Mu beneath it on the second turn, and a Mu adjacent to the Security Officer on the third turn. This strategic positioning lays the groundwork for subsequent maneuvers.
Maintaining Control
Central to victory is preventing the twin from establishing dominance over the central tile. Utilize Turn 4 to fortify this pivotal position, deploying a Levrikon or Security Officer to safeguard its integrity. Should the opponent gain a foothold on this crucial tile, do not hesitate to restart the match.
With the central tile secured, focus shifts to maximizing board presence. Deploy Levrikons and Grasslands Wolves on single-pawn tiles, while reserving two-pawn tiles for Elphadunks. Incorporate Queen Bees strategically to gain access to all tiles on your side of the board. If all proceeds according to plan, your relentless onslaught shall lead to victory over these Queen’s Blood prodigies and the coveted Ogre card shall be yours.
It is crucial to remain adaptable in the face of adversity. Victory may still be attainable even with only one row secured, as depicted in the accompanying image. Such scenarios often arise in the event of a tie within a row. Keep a keen eye for such opportunities and seize them with unwavering determination.
The path to victory against the Moore Twins is fraught with peril, yet with patience, strategy, and unwavering resolve, triumph is within reach. Arm yourself with the knowledge bestowed upon you by this guide, and let nothing deter you from claiming your rightful place among the legends of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.