A new cryptocurrency known as StopElon has risen up in terms of its value by up to 1,800 per cent in less than 24 hours. The crypto market is at a strange and unprecedented stage where Altcoins and memecoins are increasing in value every day and Bitcoin and Ethereum are going down. However, the StopElon Coin has a rather interesting back story.
There has not been any kind of cryptocurrency like StopElon yet. StopElon was created as a method to protest against entrepreneur and business magnate, Elon Musk, and his manipulation and influence over the market for cryptocurrencies. This was made especially evident on 12 May, when Musk tweeted that customers of his company Tesla will no longer be able to make purchases by using Bitcoin due to its inherently eco-destructive nature.
With the crash in the value of Bitcoin, the whole crypto market crumbled and millions of people around the world lost their cryptocurrencies. Frustrated with Elon Musk manipulating the markets and hurting many common people, a group of crypto enthusiasts created the StopElon crypto.
If you wish to buy the buy StopElon coin, use the following steps:
- You can buy StopElon on PancakeSwap through the TrustWallet mobile application. In order to purchase StopElon, you will first have to buy Binance Coin (BNB). You can either buy BNB from Binance and send it to TrustWallet. You can also purchase BNB directly on the app.
- Go to TrustWallet’s home screen and tap on “BNB.” Hit “More” and click on “Swap to Smart Chain.”
- Under “Swap to Smart Chain,” tap on anywhere in the BNB “You Pay” space. This will give you four options: 100%, 75%, 50% and 25%. Select the “100%” option to transfer 100% of your BNB to Smart Chain. Tap on “Swap” and hit on “Submit”. The conversion will then be processed.
- Go back to TrustWallet’s home screen. You will see that your Smart Chain order has been fulfilled.
- Now you will have to use PancakeSwap to convert Smart Chain into StopElon. Open the Safari app and type “trust://browser_enable” in the search bar. A prompt with the following message will appear: “Open this page in ‘trust’?” Tap on “Open.”
- In the Trust Wallet application, hit “Browser” on the bottom taskbar. If you have an Android device, you will see the word “dApps” instead. After this, hit “PancakeSwap.”
- Tap on the “Connect” button, which can be found on the top-right corner and click on “TrustWallet.” You should be able to see that your Smart Chain tokens are now in PancakeSwap.
- Tap on “Select a currency”. In the search bar, you will have to copy and paste StopElon’s contract address, which can easily be found online.
- Set your slippage as 12% by clicking on the icon beside the clock symbol.
- Click on “Swap”, and then click on “Confirm Swap.” This will prompt a “Transaction submitted” message to pop up on your screen.
- Tap on “View on BscScan.” The status bar should read “Success.” This will prove that you successfully converted Smart Chain into StopElon. You can now exit PancakeSwap.