Pokemon Go Adventure Week added two new Pokemon to the game, the Tyrunt, and Amaura, which are both available for capture. Here’s how you can catch them. With this year’s edition, Trainers will get two new fossil Pokemon to catch in Tyrunt and Amaura, Kalos regions fossil Tyrunt Amaura, along with two new Shinies, which were not released before this Pokemon Go event.

In addition to Amaura and Tyrunt, other fossil Pokemon such as Omanyte, Kabuto, and Aerodactyl will also be appearing more often throughout the new event, while players will get the first opportunity to catch Shiny versions of Tirtouga and Archen.
Players need to remember that Amaura is a possible Field Research Quest Reward since there is a very good chance player may receive Tyrunt instead of Amaura. The fastest way to capture Amaura is by doing two Adventure Week field research tasks that result in encountering Amaura, but Tyrunt is a potential reward for those tasks too, so this is not a guaranteed way.
With the adventure quest, this is Earn 5 Candy Exploring With Your Buddy quest that you need to do in order to attempt to obtain an Amaura in Pokémon Go. It is not easy to get an encounter with Amaura in Pokémon Go, so be sure to use the Pinap Berry while you are caught so that you can earn a Double Candy. If you do not want to take any chances, either go through fifty Pokestops or gyms to encounter a Tyrunt or get five Candy by exploring with a Buddy to find Amaura.

Most players only find a handful of either Amaura or Tyrunt in the wild, so players are probably going to want to head out to the places that have lots of Pokemon appearing to have a better shot of getting either Pokemon. While Amaura and Tyrunt are appearing in the wild throughout the event, players still need to keep in mind that they are rare spawns.
Released in 2022 during Pokemon Go Adventure Week events, both Amaura and Aurorus are both Rock and Ice-type Pokemon. Introduced in Generation VI, alongside the Pokemon X and Y games, Amaura is a rock-ice dual-type Pokemon. It is a basic evolution from Aurorus and is one of the Pokemon from Generation Six fossils since it must be revived from Sail fossil. First appearing in Pokemon games in Regions X and Y Kalos evolution Amaura is revived from the Sail Fossil, evolving to Aurorus at first Evo level 39, while evolving in Nights second Evo level N/A The Pokemon Encyclopedia entry for Amaura is restored from parts of its body frozen over in ice over 100 million years.
Alongside the special research of Tyrunt Amaura, which has its own special event at Pokemon Go Fest 2022, players now have Limited Field Research that was to be completed on June 12th from 11 am-3 pm. However, it is just the day, with things shaking up as far as Limited Research challenges and rewards, encounters with Tyrunt and Amaura, and Pokemon appearing in the wild.
The Pokemon Go season has arrived, and the first event in the season is Adventure Week, which will release Amaura and its fellow fossil Pokemon, Tyrunt, alongside evolutions, into Pokemon Go. The New Pokemon Go Season of Go has finally begun, featuring new content for both veteran players and new players of the series. Adventure Week has gone live following Pokemon GO Fest 2022, which means there are some new debuts inside of the game, including an Amaura.