Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, the latest installment in the beloved Pokemon franchise, brings back the fan-favorite Pokemon Sneasel, a dark-ice type Pokemon with serious offensive potential. Sneasel was first introduced in the Johto region and has made a triumphant return in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, much to the excitement of trainers. One of the most sought-after evolutions of Sneasel is into the formidable Weavile, and here’s how trainers can achieve this evolution.
Firstly, trainers need to find Sneasel in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet. Sneasel can be found in the Glaseado Mountain and the surrounding areas, ranging from the Great Crater of Paldea to the North Paldean Sea. However, trainers should be cautious, as Sneasel tends to be hostile and will go after the player if they are spotted, making it a bit difficult to catch. However, players will have a somewhat difficult time catching this pokemon not only because of its rarity but also because of its hostile nature towards them. Finding the Sneasel is relatively easy if the players snoop around long enough in the above-mentioned areas.
Once trainers have caught a Sneasel, the next step is to evolve it into Weavile. In order to evolve Sneasel into Weavile, trainers need to obtain a Razor Claw and have Sneasel hold it while leveling up at night. The Razor Claw is not a consumable item like other evolutionary items, such as the Fire Stone or Chipped Pot. It needs to be equipped to Sneasel, and it will not disappear after the evolution. Trainers can purchase the Razor Claw at any Delibird Presents location, which is accessible from the start of the game in Mesagoza. It’s important to note that this evolution method is for the regular Sneasel found in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, and there is a different method for evolving the Hisuian Sneasel, which is not currently available in the game but may be added at a later time.
Weavile is known for its high speed and attack stats, making it a formidable offensive threat in battles. However, it’s worth noting that Weavile has some weaknesses that trainers should be aware of. Weavile has five weaknesses, which can result in a one-hit knockout from powerful offensive Pokemon, and it also has a double weakness to fighting moves, making it vulnerable in battles. As a result, Weavile may not be the best choice for high-level Tera Raid battles, where its poor typing and below-average defenses could make it a liability, even if fully optimized.
Despite its weaknesses, Weavile can still be a strong Pokemon in trainer battles and for the story mode. By giving Weavile the right moves and equipping it with a Choice Scarf or a Focus Sash, trainers can capitalize on its high speed and attack stats, making it a powerful offensive threat. Weavile can be a viable sweeper in the story mode, and its high speed can allow it to outspeed and defeat opponents in trainer battles.
In conclusion, Sneasel’s evolution into Weavile is a highly sought-after evolution in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet. Trainers can find Sneasel in the Glaseado Mountain and surrounding areas, and evolve it into Weavile by obtaining a Razor Claw and having Sneasel hold it while levelling up at night. Weavile is known for its high speed and attack stats, making it a formidable offensive threat in battles, although trainers should be cautious of its weaknesses in high-level Tera Raid battles. With the right moves and equipment, Weavile can be a powerful asset in trainer battles and the story mode of Pokemon Scarlet & Violet. So, trainers, go catch that Sneasel and evolve it into the fearsome Weavile to add some serious offensive power to your team!