Methane Cartridges are an essential resource in The Planet Crafter, as they are used to fuel various machines and vehicles in the game. They can be obtained by using a gas extractor, which is a machine that is used to extract methane gas from the planet’s surface. In this article, we will discuss the steps to get Methane Cartridges by using a gas extractor in The Planet Crafter.

Build a Gas Extractor:
The first step in getting Methane Cartridges is to build a gas extractor. To do this, players will need to gather the necessary materials, which include 3x Super Alloy 2x Zeolite and 1x iridium rod. These materials can be obtained by mining the planet’s surface or by trading with other players. Once the materials are gathered, players can use their crafting bench to build the gas extractor.
Extract the Methane:
To extract the methane, players will need to place their gas extractor on top of the methane source. Once the extractor is in place, players can turn it on by clicking on the “Power” button. The gas extractor will then begin to extract the methane and will continue to do so until the source is depleted or the player turns off the extractor.
Once the methane has been extracted, players can collect the Methane Cartridges by opening the gas extractor’s inventory. The methane will be stored in the form of Cartridges which can be used as a fuel source for vehicles and machines in the game.
Repeat the process:
Once all the Methane Cartridges have been collected, players can repeat the process by finding another methane source and extracting more methane.
It’s important to note that the process of extracting methane can be dangerous, as there are various hazards on the planet’s surface that players will need to avoid. These hazards include hostile creatures, dangerous weather conditions, and unstable terrain. It’s essential to be prepared and equipped with the proper gear and weapons before attempting to extract methane.
Another thing to consider is that the gas extractor is not a cheap machine to build, it requires 3x Super Alloy 2x Zeolite and 1x iridium rod. Therefore, players should plan ahead and make sure they have enough resources to build the gas extractor before they start looking for a methane source.
In conclusion, getting Methane Cartridges by using a gas extractor in The Planet Crafter is a multi-step process that requires players to gather materials, build a gas extractor, locate a methane source, extract the methane, and collect the Methane Cartridges. It’s essential to be prepared and equipped with the proper gear and weapons before attempting to extract methane, and players should also be aware that the process can be dangerous and time-consuming. By following these steps, players can successfully obtain Methane Cartridges and use them as the Planet starts to become truly alive.