In the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet series, Nasty Plot is a powerful move that can give your Pokemon a significant boost in Special Attack. This move can be very useful in battle, especially if you’re using a special attacker Pokemon. However, obtaining a Nasty Plot can be a bit tricky, as it’s not something that you can buy at a store. In this article, I’ll explain how to get the Nasty Plot TM in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
The first method is to find Nasty Plot in a hidden location:
There are several locations throughout the game where you can find TMs, including the Nasty Plot TM. These locations can be a bit difficult to find, so it might take some exploration and searching. including the Nasty Plot TM. One of the locations where you can find it is in the Great Crater of Paldea, this is a location that is not available for players early on in the game as it requires the player to beat the final boss trainers from the story mode of the game in order to obtain access to the Great Crater of Paldea. Once that is done players can go to the teleporter pad in the research station 2, exit the building and scale the rock behind them, on the top of the rock is another small rock and on top of this is one of the only 2 Nasty plot TMs in the game.
The second way to obtain the Nasty Plot TM is the History teacher:
Players need to go and talk to the history teacher, Ms. Raifory, who will teach the players about shrines with legendary hidden treasures inside of them. She finally will task the players with finding all four hidden shrines; once they open them, they can collect the treasures and go speak with Ms. Raifory, who will then award the player with a Nasty Plot TM. This is also a viable method in the late game scenario, and players just starting out will not be able to make use of this method.
It’s worth noting that, once you acquire the Nasty Plot TM, you can use it to teach the move to a compatible Pokemon. Not all Pokemon can learn the move, so make sure to check a Pokemon’s compatibility with the move before teaching it Nasty Plot. Also, it’s a special move, so it’s recommended to use it on special attacking Pokemon for better results.
In conclusion, there are two ways to obtain the Nasty Plot TM in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. You can find it in a hidden location or do some history related chores for it. Keep in mind that the Nasty Plot TM is a powerful move that can give your Pokemon a significant boost in Special Attack, so it’s worth the effort to acquire it. And make sure to use it on special attacking Pokemon for the best results.