The Seraph title in Destiny 2 is a coveted title that players can earn by completing a series of challenging objectives. This title is awarded to players who have completed a specific set of tasks and have proven their skill and dedication to the game. In this article, we will go over the steps you need to take to earn the Seraph title in Destiny 2.

Players need to complete nine of the ten the following Triumphs listed below in order to get the Seraph title, it is important to note that you do not need to complete all the following triumphs but just nine to get the title, As you need to have completed all seven weeks of challenges for the “More than a Weapon” Quest the earliest you can start to get the title is 17th January when the weekly reset occurs.
- Authorized Users – Get kills with either Season of the Seraph or IKELOS weapons
- Nodes Found – Find all Warmind Nodes across the Moon, Europa, and Seraph Station
- Drones Destroyed – Destroying all 50 Security Drones
- Guardian’s Best Friend – Find the mechanical dog in Operation: Seraph’s Shield
- Frame Reboot – Reset your vendor rank with the Exo Frame
- Production Model – Earn the Veles-X Pulse Rifle
- Rebuilding Rasputin – Complete More Than A Weapon
- Gadgets Galore – Unlock all Upgrades at the Exo Frame
- Silence the Alarm – Kill Deathtongue Choristers before they begin the Battlesong in the Heist Battlegrounds playlist
- Solid Seraph – Complete Operation: Seraph’s Shield
The Tile requires the player to complete all seven weeks of missions for the “More than a weapon” Questline, through this completion is how a large chunk of progress can be earned for the completion of the seraph title triumphs. So after reaching completion for the seven weeks of “More than a Weapon” Quest players should have the majority of the Triumphs completed or almost completed
Use weapons like the revision zero to destroy the security drones in order to get additional progress in the seraph title triumphs.
In conclusion, obtaining the Seraph title in Destiny 2 is a challenging yet rewarding task that requires a combination of skill, patience, and dedication. To start, players need to complete all the ten triumphs for the Seraph title, which requires a significant amount of time and effort. In addition, players need to complete weekly milestones and participate in activities such as bounties offered by the exo-frame, many heist battleground matches and other core activities.