Telegram recently witnessed a large increase in the number of new users ever since WhatsApp’s new updated privacy policy was announced. Telegram now wants to make it very easy, seamless, and convenient for new users to switch between the two communication services. The company is making it relatively easy to import your chats from WhatsApp and other popular messaging apps.
So, if you happen to be a WhatsApp user who is looking to switch to Telegram and wants to import all your chats to the new app, then here is a guide on how you can do that.
In order to import your chats from WhatsApp, simply tap on the menu button > More > Export Chat, and choose Telegram from the options provided in the given list. That is all you are required to do to import your chats on an Android device.
if you have an iOS device, the process is similar, but the difference is that the export function can be found by opening the Contact Info or Group Info page. This process is slightly complicated but it still works.
The good news is that the imported chat will not need extra space because Telegram can store both messages and media in the cloud instead of having to save them on your own device’s storage.
A lot of people had second thoughts about switching messaging apps and losing all of the old conversations and data, as many chats may contain important information that you will need in the long term. Therefore, they are glad that Telegram has decided to give an option and make it very easy for users to import their chats and switch their primarily used messaging app.
The new update in Telegram also arrives with a few other new features, including an increased degree of control over your chat and call history within the Telegram application itself. Additionally, you will be able to see some improvements in the audio, as well as new animations. It is safe to say that Telegram is directing more focus and resources into adding new features and making it a worthy alternative to WhatsApp for people to use.