Hogwarts Legacy is an action role-playing game set in the magical world of Harry Potter. In the game, players assume the role of a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and explore the vast, open world of the wizarding world. One of the unique features of the game is the Eye Chests, which are scattered throughout the Hogwarts and Hogsmeade locations.
What Eye Chests are:
Eye Chests are special chests that feature a strange eyeball decoration, and they are initially challenging to open. The chests are very sensitive to movements and will follow your movements, making it difficult to approach them without alerting them. However, once you acquire the Disillusionment Charm, which is a spell that makes you invisible, you can easily open them.
The Disillusionment Charm is a powerful spell that can help you sneak past students and teachers undetected. The spell can be learned during the Secrets of the Restricted Section quest, where you are tasked with finding a book from the restricted section of the library. To learn the Disillusionment Charm, you will need to speak with Sebastian Sallow in the Central Hall, who will teach you the spell.
How to Approach the Eye Chest:
Once you have learned the Disillusionment Charm, you can use it to approach the Eye Chests undetected. To open an Eye Chest, you will need to cast the Disillusionment Charm and then move close enough to the chest to unlock it when prompted. If you alert the Eye Chest and try to go invisible, the chest will not return to its dormant state, and you will need to walk away, cast the charm again, and sneak up to open it.
Eye Chests are a great way to earn quick cash in the game, as they contain a fixed amount of 500 gold. You can find these chests in various locations, including the Restricted Section of the Library and inside shops in Hogsmeade. It is advisable to cast Revelio whenever you’re exploring, as Eye Chests can pop up in unexpected locations.
In addition to containing gold, Eye Chests can also contain other items such as potions and ingredients, making them a valuable resource for players. It’s also worth noting that Eye Chests respawn, so you can revisit locations where you have previously found them to collect more gold and items.
Approaching an Eye Chest can be a daunting task, as they are very sensitive to movements and can be easily alerted. However, with the Disillusionment Charm, players can easily sneak up on them and open them without any problems. It’s also worth noting that players can combine the Disillusionment Charm with other spells, such as the Reparo spell, to repair broken objects and gain access to new areas.
In conclusion, Eye Chests are a unique feature in Hogwarts Legacy that can be found in various locations throughout the game. They contain a fixed amount of 500 gold and other valuable items, making them a great source of quick cash and resources. To open Eye Chests, players will need to acquire the Disillusionment Charm and use it to sneak up on the chests undetected. So, keep your eyes peeled for Eye Chests while exploring the magical world of Hogwarts Legacy.