5 March, 2016, USA: Instagram has moved in for a silent kill and in its latest development, it has blocked links in user profiles to private messaging apps Telegram and Snapchat. This move was first noticed by Telegram and company has shared the information on its twitter account. Apart from these two sites, other social media sites are not fallen in the company’s radar. This means users can still share the links of their Facebook, Twitter and even personal website on their Instagram profile without any hassle.
This development looks like a retaliation from Facebook’s Instagram as earlier, even Telegram also put in some censorship among users of Facebook’s WhatsApp messenger. Now, if any user tries to share his Telegram or Snapchat link on Instagram, he instantly gets a warning message stating, “Links asking someone to add you on another service aren’t supported on Instagram”.
Answering the media query, Spokeperson of Instagram confirmed the news and said, “We’ve removed the ability to include ‘add me’ links on Instagram profile pages. This was a rare use-case, and not the way our platform was intended to be used. Other types of links are still allowed.”
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