Pubg Mobile got banned in India a few months back after security concerns came up. The main concern was regarding the publishing right that Pubg Mobile has with Tencent. There have been many rumours in recent months whether Jio, Airtel or some other company is going to bring back the game in India. Though nothing has happened so far and even the Indian Servers have also been shut down. But, now again, Techcrunch is reporting that Pubg might come back to India by the end of the year.
Why was Pubg Mobile banned?
Though we cannot blame the company for this, the game had many negative impacts in the country. First of all the young generation were hurting because of playing the game continuously for too long. And some even spent all their parent’s savings to buy items in it. There are many individuals who utilised the popularity of the game to their favour but the negative impact and the china issue is what got it banned.
Rumours suggesting Pubg Mobile’s revival in India
There has been news suggesting that Pubg has informed the elite streamers in India, that the game is coming back. The report from Techcrunch supported the fact that the game is coming back in 2020 and most probably before Diwali. This entire news adds up to the Linkedln post that posted jobs for Pubg in India.
We might hear an announcement from Pubg India within a week regarding the revival of the game. The fact that Pubg has cut ties with Tencent just to make it back to India also gives credit to the news. It is important to know that Pubg isn’t a Chinese game, but Tencent is a Chinese company and holder the publishing rights in India.
What happens if Pubg comes back?
India is one of the largest markets for the game and it coming back is a major win. As per official records, there were over 175 million downloads in the country and many elite streamers too. It is expected that the revenue from the online gaming industry might cross Rs 11,000 crores by 2023. And if Pubg can make it back to India it loses out a share in that. But, if it does its a win-win situation for everyone because as fans we definitely want the game back.
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