1 March, 2016, Washington: Microsoft, one of the world’s biggest software giant has unleashed it new ‘Cyber Defence Centre’. With this new development, company is looking forward to rebuild its reputation for security. The high tech centre opens up with a touch of a button and windows turn clear to unveil the bunker in which company’s engineers work to dodge the hackers.
The new centre is built with a facility that allows the client to monitor and watch as engineers battle hackers from behind dual-screen workstations. With huge pillars covering the room and displaying the latest threats on giant monitors placed on them, Cyber Defence Centre looks more like a lavish and a high tech base camp at the battle field. The far wall bears the directives ‘protect’, ‘detect’, and ‘respond’ in huge block letters.
Company stated in the statement, “Our customers need to feel safe running Windows, storing data in its OneDrive online data-storage facilities, basing operations on its Azure cloud-computing service, and using numerous other Microsoft products.”
“Microsoft has been on the fringe of security for some time. Now, they are putting it at the center of operations,” said, Duncan Brown, Research Director, IDC Research Inc.
Microsoft has gathered 50 security experts from its various business units such as Microsoft Office, Window’s group, Xbox, Azure etc. The idea is to unify its disparate security teams, as well as the roughly 3,500 other security employees spread among offices nearby and throughout the world, reports Wall Street Journal.
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