MultiVersus was the top-selling video game of July in the U.S. market, according to the NPD Group, which reported on Friday. MultiVersus was the top-selling game in the US last month, even though it is a free-to-play title, thanks to its Founders pack of high-end items. It seems that those packs sold extremely well in the US since it brought in enough cash to make MultiVersus the top-selling game in July, according to recent NPD numbers.
While it is free-to-play, NPD said that MultiVersus leads in monthly sales due to the popularity of its founder’s packs, which range from $40-$100. The primary income driver for MultiVersus is its Founders Packs, which players can buy to instantly get access to more playable characters, as well as an extensive amount of a premium currency called Gleamium, according to the NPD Group, a market research firm.
The major revenue generator for Multiversus publisher Warner Brothers comes in the form of founders packs, which players can buy to instantly gain access to more playable characters along with a ton of the game’s currency the players own Gleamium. According to NPD’s latest sales report, dollar sales are driven by sales of the MultiVersus Founders Packs, which grant players access to character tickets, in-game currency, and other cosmetic items.
According to data from the NPD Group, Multiverse is now the best-selling game in the U.S. as of July, which might seem an impossible honor for a free-to-play title, but NPD says that the platform fighter WBIE (think Super Smash Bros. from Nintendo but with Bugs Bunny, Shaggy, and Wonder Woman in place of Mario, Kirby, or Link) took top honors in terms of sales for the Founders Edition Content Packs. This is not the first time in recent history a new FTP has taken the top of The NPD Groups charts, since Super Smash Bros.
As reported by The NPD Group, MultiVersus from Player First Games was the best-selling game in July of 2022, beating out Elden Ring, considering both retail and digital sales. MultiVersus debuted as the top-grossing game beating the always-present Elden Ring during the month. According to NPD’s latest sales reports, MultiVersus, a crossover fighting game that is available in a free-to-play format, was the top-grossing title for July 2022. In fact, although it was at the top of the charts in July, MultiVersus was outside of the Top 20 highest-selling games for the year.