22 February, 2016, New Delhi: In a first PressPlay TV, India’s first ‘Online + Offline’ video streaming application, PressPlay TV has tied up with Northwestern Railways to offer free VoD service to Delhi-Bikaner and Delhi – Udaipur bound Delhi Bikaner Intercity (22471 up & 22472 down) and Chetak Express (12981 up & 12982 down) respectively. The company is in talks with Northwestern Railways to offer this service on 30 more trains in the next quarter. The service is absolutely free. For the first time the train, passengers in India will be able to stream the videos of their choice directly from the PressPlay Hotspots installed in AC coaches of the train.
PressPlay TV app automatically downloads videos when phone is connected to the Wi-Fi. Users can start streaming movies and videos at a super-fast speed for free without using their mobile data. If a passenger has downloaded a movie by using the app, the movie is stored in in the app permanently and users can continue watching the downloaded movies at leisure, post the train journey.
“We at PressPlay TV are honoured and overjoyed, this is positive move for us to partner with one of the oldest, largest and one of the most important institutions in India – the Indian Railways. I am personally thankful to the Northwestern Railways for taking this bold and innovative step by giving us an opportunity to serve the nation. I am sure that this will be a start of a new and enduring relationship. And PressPlay, in its own small way, will continue to contribute to the Make in India and Digital India initiatives,” says George Abraham, Co-founder & COO, PressPlay TV
“It is our constant endeavour to provide superior experience to our travellers through innovation and cutting edge technology. We have tied-up with a leading company such as PressPlay to offer high quality and wholesome entertainment to the travellers on our railway,” says C.R. Kumawat, Senior Divisional Commercial Manager, North Western Railways, Bikaner
PressPlay hotspots have already been installed in Delhi Bikaner and Delhi Udaipur bound trains offering travellers access to the very best in video entertainment anytime, anywhere and on any device.