Pubg Mobile India has now finally been officially registered as the company tries to make a comeback in India. Since the game was removed from the playstore, the company has done everything in its power to get unbanned. The main company of the game cut is with Tencent as an attempt to remove any Chinese name from their game. And now they have also partnered up with Microsoft Azure to store the data of Indian users in India.
When is Pubg Mobile India arriving?
I am sure that the game company has been trying to make a comeback in India with full force. But even though the game has been registered officially, the government is yet to give a green signal for its arrival. The major reason for the ban was the Chinese ties that the game had and the security concerns that surrounded it. But, with Pubg Corporation cutting ties with Tencent completely, and setting up servers in India, it is a matter of time before we are playing the game on our devices again.
Another great reason for the game’s comeback soon is that it was registered officially on 21st November. And also the company says they are planning to make a $100 Mn investment in India. This with the new jobs that the company’s registration in India is also a very positive point in-favour of Pubg. If you are an iOS user, there is a chance you will have to wait a little longer. This is because reports suggest that Pubg Mobile will be coming back on Android first.
Pubg’s future in India
As of now, we know that the headquarters of the game will be in Bengaluru. This means they will have an office there, and this will create jobs in the country. Plus, the $100 Mn investment that they are talking about will also be beneficial for India’s economy. So, at this point, the future of Pubg Mobile India seems bright. Do note that the company did not get any support from other companies it wanted to form a partnership with. So, the game decided to step in alone.
Are you excited that Pubg Mobile India has been registered and the game might be coming back anytime soon? Let us know in the comments below. Also, if you found our content informative, do like and share it with your friends.
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