Samsung is collaborating with fashion designer Sami Miró for launching a limited edition, eco-friendly range of its Galaxy Watch 4. The sustainable watchband line has been put up for purchase and features a total of six watchbands which are made of eco-friendly materials, along with three watchfaces that can be downloaded through the Google Play Store for free.
Apple Peel And Polyurethane
Interestingly, all six of the watchbands have been designed using Apple Peel skin material, which has been sourced for the purpose from from the waste that is recovered from the fruit industry. In fact, even the Midnight Black and Stratus Sky models are completely vegan, despite featuring a leather-like appearance.
Meanwhile, the Dawn Atlas, Cloud Navy, Aurora Night and Earth Sunrise bands have been developed using an eco-friendly TPU (polyurethane) non-toxic material, much like the Apple Peel skin models. Samsung also claims that none of the models that have made it to the final range have any DMF residue. All of them are non-plasticized and are capable of being recycled once they are worn out.
The tech biggie has also revealed that a limited stock of its Galaxy Watch 4 Sami Miró Vintage range is up for sale on its online store, at a price of $40 ($39.99 to be precise).
Not Perfect
The new range is in tune with the South Korea-based company’s vow to reduce its carbon footprint, but at the same time, there are some areas that could do with improvement. Their durability, for one, does not seem to be as high as the conventional models. But the fact that they’re recyclable does deserve props.
The repairability of these models leaves something to be wished for, and the eco-friendliness of its production units remains low in quite a few countries. However, its factories in China, Europe and the United States are said to rely 100 percent on clean energy.
For Different People and Occasions
Meanwhile, Sami Miró has set up Sami Miró Vintage by using upcycled materials, and has become a well-known name in the eco-friendly fashion business. She has said that her latest designs for Samsung have been designed keeping in mind people and occasions. For example, the Cloud Navy, Stratus Sky, and Midnight Black colors “can translate from day to night.” The Dawn Atlas and Aurora Night models, on the other hand, can give users a “pop of color,” thanks to the gem hues that they feature.