The upcoming Sony PlayStation VR2 headset has been confirmed at last, with the announcement that it is expected to be arriving in early 2023. Sony’s long-awaited PlayStation VR 2 is set to arrive in early 2023, according to posts made by Sony on Instagram and Twitter. With the power of the Sonys PlayStation 5 console and the specifications for its PSVR2 headset, there is the possibility of Sony pushing virtual reality gaming forward in a major way in early 2023.
As summer months have crept on, it is becoming increasingly unlikely Sony can pull off a late-2022 release in time for holiday shopping windows, but the PSvR 2s releasewould still let Sony launch its next PlayStation VR2 headset into the wild sometime this financial year. A release window has been expected from a few industry analysts, with one saying back in April that the PlayStation VR2 was going to be launched the following year.
Sony’s official social accounts announced a release window on Monday, which confirmed earlier suggestions and analyst reports suggesting that PlayStation VR2 will not be released until 2022. Details about PlayStation VR2 have been coming slow and steady for the past year or so, but now we know that PlayStation VR2 is actually coming out next year, according to recent Sony social posts on their Japanese Twitter account and on Instagram.
2023年 初頭発売#PSVR2
— プレイステーション公式 (@PlayStation_jp) August 22, 2022
While we still have not locked down a solid release date, it looks like PlayStation VR2 will land in gamers’ hands much sooner than the summer of 2023, if Sony’s latest updates are accurate. Industry analysts such as Ming-Chi Kuo (via VGC) think that Sony’s next headset, the PlayStation VR2, will go into mass production at the end of the year and that it is set to launch sometime during the first quarter of next year, somewhere between January and March.
Sonys is promising plenty, though, about the Sony PlayStation VR2 headset: It will have displays scaling to 4K and running at either 90 or 120Hz, a field-of-view of 110 degrees, and it uses foveated rendering, which makes some parts of an image appear sharper than others, in order to simplify things for a computer (or, in this case, a PlayStation 5). Sony confirmed on Instagram today that the headsets launch date would be in early 2023, but shared absolutely no other information regarding the headset’s launch. More information about the VR will set to drop soon as we get closer to launch heading into next year.