Star India, one of South Asia’s largest telecom companies that telecast a host of movies, music videos, shows, and sports tournaments have now put pen to paper to officially change their name from Star India to Disney Star.
Over three years ago, American entertainment behemoth, Disney acquire Star India from 21st Fox Century in its entirety. This name change has been long overdue as the transfer for ownership took place a while back and many companies, officials, and experts refer to the company as Disney Star even though the company was officially called Star India all this while.
The name change process was officially finalized on the 14th of April, 2022. With the acquisition, Disney Star runs many other channels that are a subsidiary to them. Some of them are very well known by people of the country as they include Hungama, Asianet, Fox Life and National Geographic to name a few.
The company’s social media handles across all their applications have also been changed now.
Disney Star is now gearing up to start their own Odia general entertainment channel named Star Kirano. The channel was supposed to be up and running on January the 24th, but due to some unforeseen difficulties, the date has been pushed back to the first week of June, this year.
The channel will be available in both high-definition quality and standard definition quality with the higher definition costing more. The company already runs multiple channels in multiple languages to capture the customer base that is very eclectic in the country. The company has Tamil, Malayalam, Hindi, Telugu and channels in a host of other languages. The company might be American with everyone speaking English but they are able to adapt according to the local language and culture and operate that way.
Odia is language primarily spoken in the Eastern Indian state of Odisha, with people of the state exclusively speaking it with Hindi being an extremely common second language. Kirano is an Odia word which means ray of sunshine. Currently the Odia TV field is dominated by two big players, Tarang TV and Zee Sarthak. Neither of these channels offer a high-definition resolution. However, Disney plans to. A new player already established in the country and world wide and in the Indian entertainment industry with almost unlimited funds is set to shake up their local industry and disrupt the duopoly that they have set up.