WhatsApp for iOS is reportedly yet again working on a new feature for the app, which users have been requesting for a while. Turns out, this is the feature which would enable users to hide their Online status from others. Sources confirmed how this addition is set come in the app’s future update and is already being developed. Reports this week specified a preview of this ability and what users can expect from this.
According to an observation by  WABetaInfo, this instant messaging app would soon allow users to hide their online status from others. Till this point, users had the provision to opt to show their ‘Last Seen’ information to selected people, their contacts, everyone, or no one at all. In an updated version Of WhatsApp Messenger, the app would enable its users to follow an identical approach for this part of the platform.
For a while now, WhatsApp Messenger, owned by Meta Platform’s Inc has visibly come up with a range of changes to make its user experience better.
Revelations from a publication regarding the update:
Disclosing how it would work, the publication stated that the configuration of who can view one’s online status would now be possible. Reportedly, this would be available right inside the last seen settings on their apps owing to two new choices: ‘Same as Last Seen’ and ‘Everyone.’ For instance, one could opt for ‘My contacts’ for their last seen, and choose ‘Same as last for online. Essentially, it would lead to the user’s non-contacts not being able to view when the user is online.
The development of this new privacy option comes at the same time as when the app is in the process of getting another crucial feature ready. Turns out, this new addition would allow users to edit a message they have already sent. Clearly, it has been a long time since WhatsApp initiated the provision of letting users delete messages. However, it had never come up with the feature to let them edit it, which it is ultimately changing with an update.
Moreover, the feature to edit and delete messages is coming to iMessage too from iOS 16 onwards. Despite running into some controversy, the ability to delete or edit a message could prove to be quite helpful. Especially, when one misspells a word or sends the incorrect information to someone. Recently, WhatsApp came up with the new feature to let users reacting to messages.