American based messaging platform continues to head the online messaging platform industry as they are now in the beta testing phase of a new feature. WhatsApp already has a feature called ‘last seen’ where other users can find out when you were last online by opening your chat. People mostly use this feature to see if the person they are talking has been avoiding them or if they are truly busy.
If you are a stickler for privacy, you can turn this feature off, just like I have. But this comes with its own downsides. For starters, when you turn your last seen off, you immediately cannot see other people’s last seen. Its almost like a trade off where there is complete transparency both ways none at all where its almost like the feature just doesn’t exist. The ‘last seen’ feature also does not allow you to select which contacts you want to turn it off for. If you switch the feature on, it turns it off for all your contacts which could be a bit of a turn off for some people who want to hide their last see from just a few contacts.
Well, Meta has heard what their users want and has announced that they are working on improving the last seen feature along with improving general privacy. The company announced that their users can now hide their last seen, about status and profile picture from specific contacts. If they want to hide their profile personalization’s from just one or a few specific contacts, they can do just that now.
The feature is currently only available for users with iOS Users with an older version of the apple UI will not be able to use this feature just yet. The feature has also not been rolled out to android users or any other competitors.
WhatsApp also seems to be going under a lot of changes as the company is also working to increase the max size file size that can be sent. Currently, the biggest file size that one can send on WhatsApp stands at a paltry 100 MB per file. But the company is planning to increase that number all the way to 2 GB which will allow WhatsApp users to send larger files like longer videos without compromising on the quality of them. WhatsApp continues to show why they are at the peak of their industry by constantly improving their application.