10 August 2016, India :
IIM Ahmedabad’s Centre for Innovation Incubation and Entrepreneurship (CIIE) has invested undisclosed amounts in two healthtech startups – Doux Dentistry and Zeolr.
“CIIE-IIMA is delighted to invest in Zeolr and Mobident. These start-ups have immense potential and their innovative ideas will play a key role in solving few critical healthcare issues,” J Salim Vali, Vice President (Investments), CIIE said.
Zeolr, is an IoT based healthcare startup that is developing solutions to aid in better management of chronic diseases by patients and availability of information to physicians for regular supervision, revision and reinforcement.
Mobident is owned and operated by Doux Dentistry Pvt. Ltd and is a dental care start-up aiming to make dental care affordable & accessible for patients at their homes under the brand name Mobident. It already has presence in four cities – Bangalore, Pune, Mysore, and Ahmedabad.