The Apex Legends community has been calling for developer Respawn Entertainment to take action against cheaters and permanently ban those who use multiple hacks. The recent wave of hackers in Apex Legends has caused controversy among players, with videos circulating online of cheaters ruining the overall experience for others.

Season 16 of Apex Legends brought various new features when it launched on February 14, including a reworked class system that gives each role a unique gameplay perk. Respawn also implemented a Team Deathmatch mode, a feature long-requested by players, where the first team to secure 30 kills wins the round. Apex Legends Season 16 came with a new battle pass and cosmetic rewards.
In a Reddit post, players highlighted a new hack plaguing Apex Legends matches for several weeks. They urged Respawn Entertainment to take action against Apex Legends hackers to fix this major cheat problem. Players have called for hardware bans, which are more effective than traditional bans that players can easily counter by logging into a different account. Hardware bans have already been implemented in other multiplayer games like Valorant and Call of Duty.
Apart from using multiple hacks such as aimbot and wallhack, some cheaters in Apex Legends have also been using a recent hack to force their enemies to reload infinitely, preventing them from performing any action and ruining the game for everyone else. Several Apex Legends players have complained about cheaters in the comments of this Reddit post, sharing similar experiences of their games being ruined by hackers. One player even recounted an experience where their entire team was stuck reloading due to a hacker. The Apex Legends community has deemed this hack game-breaking as it not only gives an unfair advantage to the cheater but also prevents other players from enjoying the game.
Despite its popularity, Apex Legends is reportedly struggling to meet the expectations of Respawn Entertainment and publisher EA. Recently, EA laid off over 200 QA testers with little warning to those affected, while Apex Legends Mobile will shut down on May 1, one year after its initial release on Android and iOS. Nevertheless, Apex Legends remains one of the most played video games by player count, with over 130 million players in February 2022.
The Apex Legends community’s call for action against cheaters comes amid a larger conversation about the prevalence of cheating in online games. While cheating has been an issue in multiplayer games for years, the recent wave of hackers in Apex Legends has made it a major concern for players. Cheating not only ruins the experience for other players but also undermines the integrity of the game.
In conclusion, the Apex Legends community is urging Respawn Entertainment to take action against cheaters and permanently ban those who use multiple hacks. Hardware bans are being suggested as a more effective solution than traditional bans that can be easily circumvented. Cheating not only ruins the experience for other players but also undermines the integrity of the game. As one of the most played video games of all time, Apex Legends must address the cheating issue and ensure that players can enjoy the game fairly.