Technology is constantly transforming – and with it, the demand for particular programming skills. Which are worth developing in 2023? We have gathered the most valued skills in the current market based on the trends from job boards and forecasts.
Compared to other sectors, the tech industry is changing dynamically in terms of technologies in use and skills in demand. One year everyone’s searching for developers that know a particular programming language, and the next one, it is not in demand anymore. Of course, there are skills that maintain value all the time. We have put them together, filling our list with both the “evergreens” and competencies that have gained popularity lately due to changes in the market.
Web 3.0 and the programming skills
Regardless of its constant transformation, occasionally, the technology undergoes a little revolution, radically changing its dogmas and structures. That happened with an upgrade from a static Web 1.0 to dynamic Web 2.0, and now it is happening again. The new generation of the Internet – Web 3.0 – will likely change how we handle web resources, replacing centralized networks with decentralized ones. The responsibility for maintaining them will be distributed across the community instead of staying in the hands of a few authorized units.
That radical metamorphosis calls for solutions based on entirely different structures and programming skills. Decentralization implies blockchain – technology that was a cornerstone for the development of cryptocurrencies. Most of its use cases are based on smart contracts – the programs that run on the blockchain when the specified conditions are fulfilled. In order to write them, you should have basics in blockchain and JavaScript, and learn Solidity, Rust or Python, which are the most common languages for writing smart contracts.
Big data and the programming skills
With cloud computing, companies are more capable of adding a lot of data to their pool than ever – but that calls for efficient algorithms. Neural networks are capable of drawing precious insights and identifying patterns with huge, unstructured datasets, and that capability is noticed more and more across sectors. Thus, expertise in building neural networks and other deep learning models will certainly land you a well-paid job. For that, you will also need Python, which is a default language for big-data-related work. Some Java and C++ will also help!
Artificial intelligence and the programming skills
Automation is becoming a standard across industries, and artificial intelligence solutions are an integral part. AI is a broad umbrella term, but which AI-related skills are searched for in particular? Considering the current business landscape, predictive analytics, natural language processing, and computer vision are among the most valuable fields of
If you have a chance, you may want to gain some experience with IoT projects. Smart home solutions are gaining popularity, also due to their potential in reducing expenses and increasing sustainability. IoT is a foundation of it, enabling the devices to connect wirelessly, collect data, and process it in an automated way. Here, also, Python and/or JavaScript are the basic skills to master.
The raise of AI generated content has been as rapid as ever. Examples include well-known platforms generating images such DALL-E and Midjourney. Another case would Spotify that has been investing heavily in the AI generated music. Also ChatGPT is an example of an AI tool that has been skyrocketing in popularity recently. ChatGPT is a chatbot that uses natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning to generate human-like responses to user input.
Overall, learning AI is a valuable skill that can open up a wide range of IT career opportunities and allow you to make a meaningful impact in a variety of fields.
No-code development – will it become an alternative to traditional programming?
The no-code approach is gaining popularity, empowering domain specialists to actively get involved in developing software solutions. If you have rare domain expertise, you may want to learn one of the no-code platforms to gain a competitive edge in the IT market. and Bubble are among the most popular IT platforms with their unlimited integration options and the possibility of introducing custom JS/CSS code.