The share price of Indian based Dehlivery has been consistently rising after they received an ‘outperform’ rating from Credit Suisse recently. Credit Suisse also said that the potential for growth and profits are ripe for the company. They also said that Delhivery is the best option to invest in rather than their competitors in the market as they have grown in different avenues, and their cost of customer acquisition is zero and they have set a modest, yet appealing value and share price.
Credit Suisse is an investment bank that also offers a whole range of financial services and advice. The company has grown to be one of the most respected and successful companies in the finance sector around the world since its inception. The company was founded over 156 years ago all the way back in 1856 and its head office is situated in Zurich, Switzerland.
According to the company. e-commerce companies and services in the country still has not penetrated all walks of life and still has a long way to go unlike other Asian countries like China and Japan. This means that there is also a massive potential of growth of companies like Delhivery that is trying to fix the supply chain that is broken due to world events. Therefore, it is a great time for people to invest in such a company. Credit Suisse has seen the potential not only the company has, but even the industry has
India is going through a whole logistical revamp and Delhivery with their technology and massively scaled business is in prime position to take up most of the market share in the country.
Delhivery is a logistical company that provides a whole range of logistical and courier services including freight services and even international couriers. The company was founded 11 years ago back in 2011 and its head office is situated in Gurugram, Haryana.
The company went public just over a week ago and the share price of the company has already gone up by over 15% from an initial range of Rs. 462 to Rs. 487, the share price went up to Rs. 617.35 on the closing hours on the 2nd of June.
Many companies over the few months faced a massive slump and their share price dropped a lot, but it has been slowly recovering and Delhivery pounced on the opportunity and has found great initial success since they went public.