Following the havoc created by the WhastApp new privacy policy, the company has witnessed a massive migration of its users to other rivals like Telegram and Signal. With the latter launching features to mimic WhatsApp and Telegram coming up with a feature to export WhatsApp chats, it is clear that the rivals are utilizing the opportunity in the best way possible. While it’s a boon for them, it’s turning to be a curse for the Facebook-owned instant messaging app, which till now has dominated the market.
Following the controversy regarding the privacy policy, many users are concerned about their privacy and the safety of the data. So, in this new edition of “How to,” we will come up with a solution for the most asked question of this month – How to delete your WhatsApp.
Having said that, many people, even though they want to, but are unable to go for this option thinking about the heavy data they have on WhatsApp. The common misconception is if they delete their WhatsApp, their data will be lost forever. So we’ll find a solution for that too. So, welcome to another section of “How to?”.
Let’s answer the first question – How to delete your WhatsApp account?
a). Open your WhatsApp app on your android phone. You can
b). Now go to the top of your screen. On the right side, you will notice three-dots. Click on it.
c). You will notice several options, like New broadcast, Web, Payments, and Settings. Go to settings.
d). You will now see multiple options in the settings menu. Go to Account.
e). Now, move to the last option, “Delete my account.”
f). Now will be taken to a new screen where WhatsApp will give you a warning and an alternative option. Once you have decided, please confirm your mobile number and then click on the “Delete my Account” option.
So that’s how you can delete your WhatsApp account.
Now, for the question of – How to save your data?
Follow this article, where we have extensively covered how you export your chat history with or without media files from WhatsApp. Once you can export the app’s data, you can transfer it to different apps like Telegram and Signal.
So in this way, not only can you get rid of WhatsApp, but you can also transfer the data to better alternatives, based on your own preference.