In India, Fossil has released the Skagen Falster Gen 6 smartwatch with WearOS and a Snapdragon processor. The smartwatch is available in five different models, including 42mm case sizes and silver-tone, charcoal, and black case colors.
The business has also released a number of smartwatch bands, including stainless-steel mesh, silicone, and leather. The smartwatch may also be worn with current 20mm bands. The Skagen Falster Gen 6 smartwatch is now available in India for Rs 21,995.
“First announced in August 2021, the Gen 6 is the first smartwatch powered by the Snapdragon Wear 100+ Platform, providing users with exciting performance upgrades such as faster application load time, highly responsive user experiences, and more efficient power consumption,” according to the company.
Specification details for Fossil Skagen Falster Generation 6 Smartwatch
The smartwatch has a 1.28-inch AMOLED screen and a stainless steel 42mm frame. It has a Qualcomm Snapdragon Wear 4100+ CPU, 1GB of RAM, and 8GB of internal storage. Skagen Falster Gen 6 supports magnetic charging, as do many other smartwatches. In addition, the wristwatch has a heart rate monitor, SpO2 tracker, and sensors for compass, gyroscope, and altimeter.
As previously stated, the smartwatch ships with WearOS 2 and, according to the company, will soon be upgraded to WearOS 3. The Skagen Falster Gen 6 smartwatch is waterproof to 34 ATM. It supports Bluetooth 5.0 LE, Wi-Fi, GPS, and NFC SE for connectivity.
In terms of battery life, the smartwatch has more than 24 hours and has Smart Battery Modes, Extended Battery Mode, and other features. According to the business, the wristwatch can charge up to 80% in just 30 minutes.
Interestingly, the wristwatch is compatible with both Android and iOS smartphones. Skagen’s new smartwatch is now available for purchase on the company’s official website. In India, the Skagen Falster Gen 6 will be offered in five color varieties with essentially the same size and style.
There are various strap alternatives like leather, silicone, and Skagen’s stainless steel mesh. The Skagen Falster Gen 6 smartwatch is also compatible with existing 20mm bands and allows for further customization. The watch has a revolving home button and a push button that may be customized. The Falster 6 will be eligible for Wear OS 6 later this year.