The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom introduces a new family of sub-bosses known as Gleeoks. These formidable foes appear after the events of the Upheaval and present a genuinely challenging experience for players. Among the variations, the Frost Gleeok stands out, incorporating ice-based attacks into its arsenal. This guide will provide strategies on how to defeat the Frost Gleeok and claim victory in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

Locating the Frost Gleeok in Tears of the Kingdom: In Tears of the Kingdom, players can encounter various Gleeoks, each representing one of three elements: fire (Flame Gleeok), ice (Frost Gleeok), and thunder (Thunder Gleeok). Additionally, there is a fourth variant known as the King Gleeok, which combines all three elements, making for an incredibly challenging battle. To find the Frost Gleeok specifically, head to the south end of Gerudo Summit.
Preparing for the Frost Gleeok Battle:
Before engaging in the Frost Gleeok battle, it is crucial to make adequate preparations. Starting at the Gerudo Highlands Skyview Tower is recommended. This location serves as an advantageous starting point for two reasons. Firstly, initiating an aerial attack provides an edge in combat, and secondly, the nearby sky island harbors fairies. These fairies automatically revive players with a few hearts if they fall in battle. Take a moment to collect these fairies, as the Frost Gleeok battle can be challenging, and death may occur initially.
To withstand the desert’s fluctuating temperatures, equip cold resistance and heat resistance gear. One point of each will suffice. Additionally, prioritize weapons that deal elemental damage, as the Frost Gleeok’s weak points are its eyes. For ranged attacks, the powerful Lynel bow is recommended, along with a stock of arrows and ice fruit to fuse with them. Crafting an ice-based melee weapon, such as a spear with an ice-breath Lizalfos horn and a sword with an ice-based fuse, will further aid in combat.
Strategies to Defeat the Frost Gleeok:
Engaging the Frost Gleeok requires a precise approach. Begin by flying in front of the Gleeok and readying the bow. Activate Tears of the Kingdom’s Matrix Time, which slows down time when aiming a bow midair, and fuse an ice fruit to shoot each eye with an ice arrow. Hitting both eyes is essential to deplete the Frost Gleeok’s health bar and stun it. Avoid getting too close while it’s not stunned, as it can repel you with a gust of wind.
If ice fruit or similar items are depleted, regular arrows can still be used. However, you will need to hit each eye twice as many times to achieve a stun. After stunning the Frost Gleeok, drop to the ground, deploy the paraglider at the last moment to avoid damage, and run under the rock on which the Gleeok is perched. Ascend to the top and assess how the Gleeok has landed. Depending on its position, use either a spear or another weapon to attack its head until it gets up.
To repeat the process, jump off the ledge, ready the bow, spin the camera to face the Gleeok, and shoot each eye with an ice arrow. Continue this strategy until the Frost Gleeok’s health is reduced to the final third. At this point, the battle intensifies as the Frost Gleeok unleashes a devastating Meteor attack. Stand under the rock and wait for the screen to shake from the impact. Ascend at the right moment to ride the updraft and prepare for the final assault. Aim at the Gleeok’s eyes with the bow and attack until victory is achieved.
Rewards from the Frost Gleeok:
Defeating the Frost Gleeok yields several valuable items. These include the Gleeok’s guts, which can be used to create a powerful elixir, and its wing, which enhances Fuse attack power by an impressive +24 and increases the distance projectiles travel. However, the most significant reward is the Gleeok Flame Horn, boasting a Fuse attack power of +30. This potent elemental item surpasses the elder dragon scales’ +16 attack power. Importantly, the Gleeok Flame Horn proves invaluable when facing the Frost Gleeok’s cousin, as well as the ultimate challenge—the King Gleeok.
Conclusion: Mastering the Frost Gleeok battle in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom requires careful preparation and skillful execution. By following the strategies outlined in this guide, players can overcome the Frost Gleeok’s icy onslaught and claim victory. With the right equipment, elemental attacks, and a tactical approach, you can emerge triumphant in this thrilling encounter and continue your journey in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.