When creating an account, you don’t always think of the right username, and this is especially true when it comes to Twitter. Maybe you’re looking for something entertaining or with a better ring to it, but you can’t think of anything. So you go with one of the standard advised handles that includes your first and last name, as well as a number or something, until it finally hits you.
A common change is your username. The first time you choose your username, you may already be using your exact name. Then people choose a shortened name, add numbers or characters to their name, or choose something a little more random. While this will give you a unique username, you should be wondering how easy it is to find and remember your chosen username. Another reason could be that the name of your team or organization has changed. Instead of creating a new account and risking losing your followers, simply change your username (and other details in your profile).
Learn how to get the Twitter handle of your dreams by following the instructions below.
- Go to your Twitter privacy and settings.
- At the top of the menu, select “Account.”
- Select “Username” from the drop-down menu.
- Your existing Twitter handle will be displayed on the following page, along with a spot to type your new handle. Fill in the blanks with the handle you desire.
- When you have an appropriate handle (one that meets Twitter’s requirements and isn’t already used by another account), Twitter will notify you.
- When you’re finished, tap “Done.”
You may still alter your display name if your desired handle is already taken. Your display name is bolded next to your Twitter handle, and it doesn’t matter whether you have two or more accounts with the same display name (so it can’t be “stolen”). If you can’t get the handle you desire, maybe this will suffice.
- Go to your own profile page. In the upper right corner, tap “Edit Profile.”
- Go to the top of the page and enter in the display name you wish.
- Select “Save.”
- And that’s all there is to it! We hope your name is exactly what you envisioned.