ImStrong, which is an online fitness platform, has now secured INR 3 crore in the seed funding round led by the Zerodha Rainmatter, along with the participation of TaxiForSure Co-Founder Raghunandan G.
Founded by the Selvan, Dilip, and Deepti Nair in 2019, ImStrong connects independents trainers, yoga teachers, gyms, studio owners with their customers via live online classes.
The platform offers access to trainer-led fitness classes in an easy and convenient manner online, allowing the users to exercise anytime, anywhere, with guidance from a professional trainer.
Speaking about the platform, Dilip Kumar, co-founder, ImStrong, said,
“Our video-streaming platform makes it easy for everyone to access trainer-led classes, like yoga and meditation, from the comfort of their home, office, or anywhere else. People find it difficult to find some time for a gym session either due to long travel time or high costs. Now users can exercise anytime, anywhere with guidance from a professional trainer.”
“We are also witnessing an upward trend in our business activity, given the current scenario in the country and globally, with people being confined to their homes and dependent on such classes to keep a check on their fitness routine,” added Selvan Thamarai, Co-founder, ImStrong.