Reliance’s 40th AGM was full of surprises today. As the company’s chairman Mukesh Ambani took to stage today, people were expecting the much awaited Jio phone’s launch. To the audience’s applause, Mukesh Ambani announced that Jio phone which was estimated previously to be around Rs. 500, was completely free.
The catch to the price is that there will be a refundable deposit of Rs. 1500 and users can get their refund anytime for a duration of 36 months.
The specifications of the Jio phone include a non-touch screen model 4G VoLte phone working on Jio 4G network and is expected to have features such as tethering
Related Read: A Breakdown Of Reliance Jio’s Impact In Becoming A Successful Startup And Connecting India In Global Speed
15th August will be available for beta and 24th August for pre-booking and from the last quarter of India the phones will be shipped to the users. Targeting to ship 5 million Jio phones every week, based on first come first serve basis.
The news of Jio phones and other major updates released in the 40th Annual AGM is the first in the world to be capture the entire event in Virtual Reality live giving access to the entire YouTube users. Apart from the huge audience present at the event, the video had over 30,000 viewers experiencing it in virtual reality.
Reliance Jio has been actively connecting millions of Indians to the internet who previously had little or no access to the digital world.
As per OpenSignal’s State of LTE report for June 2017, India now ranks at 15th position in the Global 4G Report. According to the report, India shot up our LTE availability rankings, reflecting a rare instance in which a single operator can have an outsized impact on a mobile market in just a short time.
The Jio phone is expected to make the 2G feature phone service obselete and move towards Digital India vision of Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi.
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