So much is changing in the business ecosystem on a daily basis. We cannot be in business doing what we did yesterday and expect to stay relevant tomorrow. In fact a lot has evolved in the marketing space, ever since my book “Is your marketing in sync or sinking?” released last year.
So why is marketingsync important?
This takes us back to the reason I had to write a book on the topic. About six years ago, we had started to do a marketing workshop series called ‘marketingsync’ focused on startups and SME’s to help them stay relevant to the way the market was evolving.
As a part of the workshop, we worked closely with several CEOs, startup founders, passionate marketing experts and found a common problem across these organizations. It was about clearly identifying the set of marketing activities that the organization should pursue, and whether it would be quantifiable and how would they impact the organization’s growth.
In one of the quarterly meetings at a tech-startup, the marketing team presented a report showcasing the increase in market share compared to a competitor. After all the number crunching for two hours, the country manager asked “Have we grown by brand value or sales volume?” That question changed things forever.
Related Read: Why Offline Marketing Matters?
Marketing teams in most organizations work in silos. For example, the content marketing team would just be churning out content day after day. But the sales folks in many organizations use these pieces of content as a conversation starter by sharing information with a customer or prospect. The disconnect is that the content person has no idea as how the content is being used (from customer’s consumption perspective as well as sales enablement perspective)
Getting in sync
Now, imagine if your organization was ‘In Sync’. All teams working together as one, knowing – really knowing – what goes on in clients minds, working together on achieving clear goals.
For instance, to be in sync with your customer, you need to build a strong omni-channel strategy as they switch between devices throughout the buying process. The mutual benefits for both marketers and shoppers are realized when brands tell their story and fulfill their promise in a consistent, intelligent and personal manner across all available channels.
I had the opportunity to interview Avi Lambert, the CEO of Photonic Public Relations, an organization based out of Vancouver that helps organizations with brand repositioning and business model strategies. Lambert shared, “We see most of our customers wanting to digitize almost everything. They want to cut across channels, communication tools and points of interactions.”
Related Read: From Push Marketing To Context: Amplifying With Mobile Contexual Marketing !
Customer is just one part of the synchronicity story. There are several parts to it – you need to establish synchronicity within your organization, be in sync with the markets that you cater to and understand them culturally and recognize that we are part of a dynamic business ecosystem, where in evolution is continuous.
Let me know your thoughts and I look forward to discuss with you.
(Disclaimer: This is a guest post submitted on Techstory by the mentioned authors. All the contents and images in the article have been provided to Techstory by the authors of the article. Techstory is not responsible or liable for any content in this article.)